Student Life Resources
- Apply
- Visit
- Give
- Admissions
- Academics
- Campus Life
- Student Development
- Campus Ministry
- Center for Career Development
- Title IX
- Counseling Center
- International Students
- Residence Life
- Student Life
- The RockCast
- Disability Resource Center
- Dean of Students
- Freshman Experience
- Health Services and Insurance
- Resources
- Care, Concern & Incident Reporting
- Dining Services
- FERPA Release Form
- First Generation Students
- Love in Action
- Health Insurance Waiver
- Immigration & DACA Information
- Immunizations
- Parking Registration
- Student Handbook
- Return to the Rock
- Alumni
- Athletics
- About
Please note: Several of these resources require logging in to the University portal in order to access the documents.
Resources for Students and Officers
2020 - 2021 Event Guidelines
Change of Officer Form (to be completed when new officers are elected)
Movie Screen Reservation
Student Activity Fee Budgeting Committee How To Video
Student Activity Fee Budgeting Committee Meeting Sign Up
Student Activity Fee Budgeting Committee Request Form (XLSX)
Student Activity Fee Budgeting Committee Travel Request Form (XLSX)
Student Activity Fee Budgeting Committee Guidelines (DOC)
Organization Membership Roster Template (XLS)
Advisor Agreement Form (PDF)
Guest List for Social Events (XLSX)
Fair Trade Info Packet (PDF)
Student Organization Social Event Registration
Organization Handbook (PDF)
Policies and Procedures
Posting and Publicity
Rockhurst University Political and Campaign Activity Policy
Partisan Political Activities: Student Policy and Guidelines
Student Organization Social Event Policy (PDF)
Organizational Resource Sheets
Icebreakers & Team Builders (PDF)
Officer Transition Helpful Hints (PDF)
Effective Decision Making (PDF)
A Year At a Glance
Mandatory Items Requested by Student Life:
1. Complete the Annual Activity Report
2. Register for the Student Activities Fair which takes place in the Fall;
*Registration PRIOR to the beginning of the school year is mandatory.
Things to Ponder:
Get the following information/documents from the outgoing officers:
A copy of the Annual Activity Report
A summary of the year: What worked well and what did not, Any suggestions you have for improvement
Budget report from the year
Constitution for your Organization
Contact names and phone numbers used over the past year
Historical information about your organization Listing of the past year’s events
Roster of past and current members
Their dreams for the organization that they were unable to fulfill
Hints for Officer Transition Resource Sheet
Think about your booth for the Activities Fair
Brainstorm for the school year
Fundraising Events
Leadership Development
Service Projects
Membership Recruitment
Recognition for those who help you
Mandatory Items Requested by Student Life:
Attend Back to School Meeting in August and January (all Presidents must be present, but open to all members)
Attend a Student Organization Orientation Session if recently new mid-semester.
Check your Student Organization Mailbox located in Massman 1
Things to Ponder & Prepare:
Obtain Information about funding requests from Student Senate
Plan to attend the Back to School Meeting with Student Life in August
Complete a Registration Form with all new members and updated organization contact information.
Look on Student Life Registration page to update and deadline dates.
Meet with your executives
Meet with your advisor to discuss the upcoming year
Prepare a group roster
Schedule and reserve space for your first meeting
Plan recruitment efforts
Begin planning and scheduling your entire year