Remember that time you stayed up all night studying for the chemistry test that happened the same day you were turning in that 10-page English paper, which was two days before you took the ACT or SAT? It was worth it. You’re going places. Let us help you get there.
We know cost is an important factor when selecting a college. At RU, you are automatically considered for our merit-based scholarships for freshmen when you complete the admission application.
New Freshman Merit Scholarships
Merit scholarships are automatically awarded upon admission to RU. Freshman Academic/Merit Scholarships for the 2025-2026 school year. Weighted GPAs will be used if provided on the transcript.
Merit scholarships are automatically awarded upon admission to RU. Freshman Academic/Merit Scholarships for the 2025-2026 school year. Weighted GPAs will be used if provided on the transcript.
GPA | Fall '25-Spring '26 | Scholarship |
4.0 | $26,000 | Presidential |
3.75 | $25,000 | Provost |
3.3 | $22,000 | Deans |
3.0 | $20,000 | Wisdom |
Below 2.99 | $18,000 | Achievement |
*Related: Scholarship renewal requirements.
Competitive Full-Tuition Freshman Scholarship
Trustees' Scholarship ▼
Award: Full tuition
Minimum requirements: Highly qualified entering freshman students selected based upon a competitive interview program during Trustees' Scholars Days (invitation-only event for eligible students, recipients are required to live on campus).
Renewability Requirements: Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.4 after freshman year, and 3.5 at the end of each subsequent academic year.
Application deadline: Must file admission application PRIOR to January 1.
New Freshman Academic Scholarships
Education Majors Scholarship ▼
Award: $1,000
Note: All students majoring in education will automatically receive our annual Education Majors Scholarship.
Family Award ▼
Award: $1,000
Note: Awarded to each undergraduate, dependent student in the family currently attending Rockhurst
Loyola Scholarship (Catholic High School Graduates) ▼
Award: $1,000
Note:Must file admission application PRIOR to May 1
Nursing Majors Scholarship ▼
Award: $1,000
Note: All students majoring in nursing will automatically receive our annual Nursing Majors Scholarship.
Additional Freshman Scholarships
Art Scholarship ▼
Award: $1,000
Minimum requirements: Incoming freshmen who have an interest in art.
Application deadline: February 1
More information:Art Scholarship Details
Athletic Awards ▼
Award: Variable
Minimum requirements: Based on athletic ability and sport.
More information: Rockhurst Hawks Recruiting
Bernadette and Richard Miller Scholarship ▼
Award: $3,000
Minimum requirements: 30 hours of service and participation in one (1) Campus Ministry program.
Application deadline: February 1
More information: Bernadette and Richard Miller Scholarship Details
Fine and Performing Arts Award ▼
Award: Variable
Minimum requirements: Entering freshmen or transfer students who audition, interview or submit portfolios.
Renewability requirements: Renewable based on ability and participation, 2.0 GPA
Application deadline: February 9 for freshmen, May 31 for transfers
More information: Fine and Performing Arts Award Details
Finucane Service Award ▼
Award: $1,500
Minimum requirements: Entering full-time freshmen or transfer students who have a sound academic record and demonstrated outstanding community service. Service resume and essay required.
Renewability requirements: Participate in service and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Application deadline: February 1
More information: Finucane Service Award Details
Lakas Award ▼
Award: Variable
Minimum requirements: Selected students in writing who interview or submit portfolios.
Application deadline: February 1
More information: Lakas Award Details
Language Scholarship ▼
Award: $1,000
Minimum requirements: Incoming freshmen who major in Spanish and who maintain good academic standing.
Application deadline: February 1
More information: Language Scholarship Details
SMART-STEM Scholarship ▼
Award: Up to $15,000
Minimum requirements: A competitive scholarship to support academically talented students with unmet financial need to complete their BS in Biology, Chemistry or Physics (application opens after Dec. 1).
More information: Smart Stem Scholarship Details
Scholarship Notes:
- Awards are per academic year.
- Students may not be awarded both a competitive and academic scholarship.
- For GPA, the last cumulative GPA we will review for merit scholarship upgrade eligibility is from the seventh-semester transcript (first semester senior year.)
- Rockhurst University has the right to evaluate institutional financial aid packages. The total institutional award from RU may not exceed the cost of tuition.