In the Management concentration of the Helzberg School of Management Bachelor's in Business Administration, students broadly explore theories in organizational change, project management and leadership. Students emerge from their bachelor's education able to identify the traits and characteristics of effective leaders and think strategically for firms in both domestic and foreign settings.

Program Overview

People skilled in business management lead change as they impact the people, organizations and the world around them. But, unless students decide to start their own companies right out of the gate, graduates in business management degrees seldom become managers in their first corporate positions. They do, however, have a head start on the path toward greater power and responsibility. They think like a manager, like an owner, from day one on the job. In that way, they are distinguished among their peers for their keen understanding of business, leadership and organizational dynamics. They are fitted with the skills to understand and use their power and ability for good.
In the management concentration of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree program at Rockhurst University's Helzberg School of Management, students broadly explore theories in organizational change, project management and leadership.
In addition to management coursework, students complete two innovative sequences as part of the BSBA core. Both the professional readiness sequence and the technology and predictive analytics sequences were developed by the Helzberg School of Management based on market research and consultation with hiring managers at area corporations to prepare students for the evolving workplace. Students also have the option to pursue Excel certifications as part of their studies.
Rockhurst University's Helzberg School of Management is an AACSB*-accredited business school, an achievement only 5% of all business schools in the world can claim. Students in the Helzberg School of Management emerge from their bachelor's education as leaders of competence and conscience.
*Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
Learning Outcomes
- Exhibit skills in personal responsibility, awareness of self and others, ability to work effectively in groups, and the ability to foster positive team dynamics.
- Identify and analyze personal ethical problems to propose and defend an appropriate course of action, as well as identify and analyze issues in corporate social responsibility to propose and defend an appropriate course of action.
- Define, describe and demonstrate foundational business knowledge.
- Integrate relevant cultural, social, political, historical, geographic and environmental factors into the analysis of business issues and the development of an appropriate course of action.
- Identify, access and analyze relevant quantitative and qualitative information to develop, select and evaluate appropriate courses of action.
- Produce and deliver effective written products and oral communications in a variety of contexts using effective technologies.
Program Outcomes
After graduation, students begin their paths to management at companies such as:
Barkley | Zurich | Oracle Cerner |
Morgan Stanley | Commerce Bank | C3 |
Optiv | Freightquote | Lockton |
Mutual of Omaha | Truman Medical Centers | T-Mobile |
Compensation and Benefits Manager
Marketing Manager
Office Manager
Client Services Manager
Human Resources Officer
Logistics and Distribution Manager
International Accounts Manager
Sales Director
Course Map
Degree and class descriptions and requirements can be found by clicking on the course catalog listings below:
Popular Courses
This course introduces the student to the basic business workings of corporate and nonprofit organizations including major functional areas and managerial processes with attention to emerging research about strategies and practices of high-performing organizations. Students will examine leadership issues such as influencing, working in teams, and developing self-awareness. Through this course, students will explore and analyze social issues as they relate to ethical leadership and the organization’s role in the social and community environment.
Students will be immersed in a Management experience requiring them to make business decisions that involve all functional areas (e.g., finance, marketing, advertising, human resources, etc.). This experience will have students doing the work of managers. Using this common experience as a reference point, students will explore the systemic context of management, including the study of contemporary organizations.
The course investigates how individual and group behavior impacts the performance of an organization. Topics include perception, personality, values, job satisfaction, emotional intelligence, learning, communication, motivation, culture, conflict, stress, and power/politics. The purpose of this course is to increase students’ awareness of the impact that these topics have on leadership effectiveness.
This course focuses on the unique issues facing the small business owner, as well as extensive coverage of unique business functions that the small business owner is likely to deal with. The course also focuses on 1) how to assess a potential business opportunity and 2) how to prepare a business plan for use as both a strategic document and a document for dealing with potential financial backers.
Degree Info
- Internships: Rockhurst University’s Center for Career Development helps students search for internships consistent with their interests.
- Real-World Collaboration: At Rockhurst University's Helzberg School of Management, “the real world” doesn’t wait until after graduation. Students work with local, regional and national companies in class.
- Networking: Students have tons of opportunities to network with prospective employers both through the Helzberg School of Management and Rockhurst University Center for Career Development events such as Leadership and Ethics Day, Dinner with the Industry and Meet the Firms.
- Magis Leaders Program: Students have the opportunity to apply for a year-long, enhanced professional readiness program. With their mentor from the community, each student in the program will assess and adjust their personal and professional skills to enhance their performance in organizational settings. Learn more.
- Capstone Project: Students complete their bachelor's education by developing a complete business concept responding to a social need that they identify.
- 4+1 Master's Program: Earn a bachelor's and master's degree in only five years! Learn more about the program here.
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