Rockhurst University Parking Policy
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Rockhurst University provides on-campus parking for students, staff, faculty, and visitors in designated parking areas. The University is not responsible for any damage to, theft from, or theft of vehicles parked on University property. These things are the sole responsibility of the vehicle owner or operator. Vehicles parked in violation of the University’s Parking Policy may be ticketed, towed away, or immobilized at the owner’s expense. The University is not liable for damage to a vehicle resulting from towing or immobilization.
The University recommends that drivers take every reasonable precaution to prevent theft and vehicle damage. Such measures include, but are not limited to:
- Do not leave your keys in your car.
- Close all vehicle windows (including sunroof).
- Lock all vehicle doors.
- Refrain from leaving valuables such as purses, laptops, or backpacks containing valuables in plain sight.
- Do not leave your car running and unattended, even for short periods of time
- Park in University-designated parking areas only.
- When choosing where to park, particularly near the athletic fields, be mindful of the potential risk of accidental damage due to batted or kicked balls.
If a theft or vehicle damage occurs while parked on University property, contact Rockhurst University Campus Security for reporting and investigative purposes.