After the calendar turns to August, that college checklist is finally complete, and you’ve moved into your dorm or student housing… what happens next?
It’s time for college life to begin.
The fastest way to get comfortable is to get a little uncomfortable. Step out of that comfort zone and take the first steps on a brand new journey. To get new students involved early, Rockhurst's Welcome Week is full of activities and events, but here are a few to make sure to check out:
1. Orientation
Full disclosure: Orientation is required for freshmen and first-year students, but the point here is to make the most of it. Everyone is placed on a team that competes against other teams in the Orientation Olympics and other activities. Orientation is for having fun, getting to know your fellow students, meeting faculty and staff, and finding out what student support services are available for you to take advantage of throughout your time at The Rock.
2. Free Stuff Fair
The Free Stuff Fair is exactly as it sounds: You get a bunch of free stuff and find out about all the different things you can get involved in. Our 70-some clubs and organizations will be represented, along with sororities, fraternities, as well as groups for a wide variety of personal, social, political, recreational, religious, and common interests. Sign up for anything remotely interesting to get more information to help with your decisions on what to get involved in. The Rockhurst community is known for its many organizations and ways to be a part of something bigger – on or off-campus. If you can’t find an organization that meets your specific interests, you can start one!
3. Frosh Get-a-Way
A freshman retreat is held each year the week after Labor Day. This is a great way to meet new people and talk about college life. There are always stories about friend groups that formed during the retreat that lasted through their entire college careers. Don’t just take our word for it: In 2020, 100% of participants said they’d recommend the retreat to their friends and incoming students in future years. (Note: There are additional retreats throughout the year.)
4. Intramurals
Intramurals are sports leagues, tournaments, and fun competitions organized through the Magis Activity Center (The MAC). This is a great way to meet people, get exercise, and have a blast playing with and against your fellow students.
Can’t wait to get started? You don’t have to!
There are a series of pre-Orientation virtual events to choose from before Move-In Day even gets here. (Note: Similar events occur each spring and summer.)
Pre-Orientation Paloozas
May 18, 2021: Welcome to the Nest!
June 15, 2021: How to… Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Rockweb
June 17, 2021: Saint Luke’s New Student Financial Aid Review
July 13, 2021: Orientation 101 and Feeling Prepared for your First Week
August 10, 2021: Getting Involved, In and Outside the Classroom