Lynne Moss Bahr, Ph.D., Director
Rockhurst University Press
1100 Rockhurst Road
Kansas City, MO 64110-2561
Phone: 816-501-4602
Manuscript Submissions
How to Submit a Book Proposal to Rockhurst University Press
We strongly advise that you send us a query letter and a book prospectus rather than a full-length manuscript. This will allow us to quickly assess our interest in your work.
The prospectus should include:
- a description of the project, including its purpose, potential audience, scope, contribution to scholarship, and relations to existing literature;
- a table of contents that provides paragraph-length descriptions of each chapter;
- if the manuscript has been completed, one or two sample chapters, preferably including an introductory chapter that describes the work as a whole;
- if the manuscript has not been completed, the estimated length and date of completion, and a description of any illustrations or other special requirements called for in the preparation and production of the book;
- your curriculum vitae or resume, along with a list of contributors if an edited volume.
At a minimum, we seek two outside reviews for our projects. To allow for careful consideration of a project, we give our readers six to eight weeks to complete their evaluation. Publishing decisions are made by the editorial board of the Rockhurst University Press. The review process may take up to three months, depending on the nature of the project and the availability of reviewers. We will make every effort to make the process go as promptly and smoothly as possible.
All inquiries should be addressed to Director Lynne Moss Bahr using the contact information listed above.
Examination Copies
Examination copy requests should be mailed or faxed on university letterhead to Director Lynne Moss Bahr using the contact information listed above.
The request should include the course name and expected enrollment. The examination copy will be accompanied by an invoice to be paid unless an order for ten or more copies is received from the institution within 60 days, or the book is returned in salable condition after examination.
Rights and Permissions
Requests for permission to reprint material and/or photocopy material for classroom use should be sent to Director Lynne Moss Bahr using the contact information listed above.
Photocopy Permission
Include in your request:
- Author/Editor
- Title
- Year published
- School and professor requesting material to be copied
- Page numbers and page count
- Approximate number of copies needed
Reprint Permission
Include in your request:
- Author/Editor
- Title
- Year published
- Page numbers
- Publisher
- Approximate print run and publication date
- Rights requirements (North American English, world English, all territories, all languages)