Students in the Rockhurst University School of Education have various opportunities to enrich their education experience and deepen their knowledge in the field. These include:
Study Abroad in Italy
Each fall, approximately 40 education majors across several universities are selected to participate in a unique summer study abroad program based in Carpi, Italy, a town of approximately 69,000 in northern Italy near Bologna. During the study abroad, each student will stay with and become a part of an Italian host family. Each student will also be placed in a classroom to work mornings with teachers and children in an Italian preschool, elementary or middle school. This program provides a deep and memorable cross-cultural experience that exposes participants to Italian culture and its education system, which is well known for innovative approaches to early childhood education (e.g., Reggio Emilia).
Credit: C&T 649/749 An International Teaching Experience, 3 credits, from the University of Kansas (transferable)
Program Notes:
- Prior knowledge of Italian is not necessary, though participants are encouraged to sign up for a non-credit Italian language class or engage in self-study. In most cases, at least one member of a host family and the educators will speak some English. (English is a required subject in most schools in northern Italy beginning in preschool.)
- In addition to mornings in a classroom, activities include completing blog assignments, whole-group activities, travel with host families, and limited independent travel to nearby cities. Arrangements will be made for a whole-group trip to Florence one weekend and Venice another weekend with ample free time for independent exploration. Several field trips are also planned, including tours of special schools of interest and visits to cultural sites. A traditional highlight is a final party at a villa in Carpi for all participants, their teachers and host families.
- Participants typically depart before final exams so early accommodations must be made with instructors.
- Cost varies but is approximately $6,600 for the tuition, credit hours, travel, materials, meals, lodging and additional inclusions. Check with the Rockhurst contact for more details on cost specifics and inclusions.
- Host families are carefully selected and matched to participants' needs and interests by the Victoria Language Centre – a local organization with years of successful experience arranging stays for American students.
- Requirements include, but are not limited to, being an education major in good academic standing, applicant interview, commitment to pre-trip preparation (assignments, meetings, etc.) and final exam accommodations.
For more information, please contact Hilary Logan, associate professor, Rockhurst School of Education.
For Graduate Students Only: Professional Development Funds
Graduate students have the opportunity to apply for assistance to attend local, state and national conferences. Funds are made available to assist and encourage student activities or student development appropriate to the enhancement of student learning.
Applicants must currently be enrolled as students in the Education program at Rockhurst University. Recipients must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA in both education courses and overall.
Applications must be submitted in advance of conference attendance or an anticipated event.
Please allow at least two weeks for review of your application. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions through their Rockhurst e-mail address.
Selection of recipients is the sole purview of the department.
Requests for conference funding are made via the online form. Application does not guarantee receipt of all or partial funding. Funding for conferences will be based on the following amounts:
- Local: up to $200
- State/Regional: up to $500
- National: up to $1,000
Funds may be used and requested for conference-related expenditures such as registration, lodging, airfare or mileage, if a personal vehicle is used. A limited amount may be available for meals; alcohol is excluded.
Funds may be used to pay for posters or presentations to be presented after a student graduates from the program, provided the poster or presentation is submitted and accepted by the sponsoring organization before the student’s graduation date.
Funds may be used to reimburse students for the cost of capstone poster production.
Funds may be used to pay for costs associated with capstone research projects provided the student submits the project for review and it is approved by the deadline specified by the department. Projects must also be approved by IRB prior to dispensation of funds.
- Funds are available only to those students who apply when enrolled in courses at RU. Students not actively enrolled in courses at RU are not eligible to apply for funds.
- Funds cannot be requested or used for the purchase of gifts or prizes, or to pay any national membership dues.
- The use of student fee funds as donations is strictly prohibited. Any donation to a not-for-profit or for-profit organization must be made through the use of fundraising.
Instructions for Reimbursement
- Submit expenses in the RU Paycom system if you are registered in the RU Paycom system. If you are not in Paycom, please obtain and complete the Rockhurst University Expense Form from Rosie Brennan, Department Assistant for the School of Education.
- Submit proof you were either an attendee or presenter at the conference upon conclusion of the event. These documents must also demonstrate that the conference was academic or professional in nature. Acceptable forms of proof include a flier from the conference or a program listing your presentation.
- Submit original receipts: Please tape smaller receipts to the front of 8 ½” x 11” sheets of paper. If you do not submit the appropriate receipts, you will not be reimbursed. No expenses without an accompanying detailed receipt will be reimbursed.
- Airline tickets: The only acceptable receipt, except for E-tickets, is the part stamped “passenger receipt” with your name and the cost of the ticket.
- Conference registration fee: Please note only the base registration fee can be reimbursed.
- Hotel bill: This must be an original with your name printed on it and must indicate that you have paid. Please note, if others are staying in your room, the hotel bill will be prorated by dividing the number of persons in the room into the hotel bill; you are eligible only for the prorated amount.
- Mileage reimbursement: This will be made at the prevailing Rockhurst University rate. Mileage to and from the event will be covered; side trips excluded. Gasoline cost is not reimbursed. The recipient is responsible for the cost of any and all traffic violations.
Reimbursements will be processed by your department as soon as possible after they are received; allow four to six weeks for the University to process payment.
Checks are issued every Friday; you may call Student Accounts at 816-501-4075 to see if your reimbursement check is ready for pickup. Checks can be picked up at Rockstop, Massman Hall - Room 109.