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The cornerstone of our program is the Rockhurst University mission of Learning, Leadership and Service, a philosophy that underscores, inspires and enriches all that we do. The Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum includes eight semesters of coursework and clinical experiences distributed over 30 months. Most classes meet during the day, Monday through Thursday. Clinical science courses are taught by experienced physical therapists who are specialized in their content areas.
Our curriculum enhances skills in:
- Clinical Decision Making
- Evidence-Based Practice
- The Movement System
- Professionalism
- Service
Unique Opportunities
Dual Degree Option - DPT/MBA and DPT/MA
In conjunction with Rockhurst University’s College of Business, Influence, and Information Analysis, physical therapy students have the opportunity to earn both a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Master of Arts (MA) in Organizational Leadership degree. The MBA includes a measurable business curriculum while the MA in Organizational Leadership features a focus on management leadership. Both degrees provide the skills to practice as a physical therapist and effectively manage a department, your own clinic or corporation. Both degrees also include optional electives in health care leadership.
A unique aspect of the program is the opportunity to take at least 2 credit hours of an elective in your third year. The electives allow students to explore a new topic or go more in-depth on topics presented in the core curriculum. Electives may include:
Advanced Examination and Treatment of the Spine: This course is designed to teach manual therapy as applied to the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine and related soft tissue. Skills are built upon those manual therapy concepts initially introduced in PT Management. Particular attention is paid to the subjective, objective, and neurological examination, diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathology, its associated problems, appropriate intervention strategies, and modification of the intervention plan. This course fulfills an elective requirement in the physical therapy program.
Pediatric Physical Therapy: This course provides students with advanced knowledge of physical therapy practice in the areas of pediatrics and developmental disabilities. Case studies, group discussion, self-directed learning, field trips, and experiences with pediatric clients in various practice settings (including NICU follow-up clinic, specialty clinics, school-based therapy, aquatic therapy and hippotherapy) encompass medical/educational diagnoses and conditions, administration of pediatric examinations, evidence-based and evolving interventions, documentation, working in teams, and service delivery models in medical, educational, and early intervention settings. This course fulfills an elective requirement in the physical therapy program.
Special Issues in Women's and Men’s Health: This course will explore current issues in women’s and men’s health and the role of physical therapists in their management. The following gender-related topics will be included: the role of hormones across the lifespan, osteoporosis, pelvic pain and pelvic issues, incontinence, athletic conditions, oncological conditions, lymphedema, and issues related to obstetrics and gynecology. Active learning experiences include physical therapy examination and intervention skills. This course fulfills an elective requirement in the physical therapy program.
Principles of Sports Medicine: This lecture/laboratory course incorporates principles of theory and practice in prevention, assessment, and treatment of injuries incurred during athletic participation. The work in this course is in the context of clinical and field/court decision making. This course fulfills an elective requirement in the physical therapy program.
Examination and Treatment of the Running Athlete: This lecture/laboratory course will provide the student with a comprehensive approach to the examination and treatment of the running athlete. The content addressed in this course will focus on running mechanics as they relate to performance and injury potential. An emphasis on the utilization of video gait analysis as a key diagnostic and treatment tool will be incorporated throughout the course. The most recent evidence-based practice guidelines for treatment intervention will be presented. Laboratory sessions will focus on performing a functional biomechanical examination specific to runners, performing and interpreting selected special tests for the lower extremity, and development of specific therapeutic interventions for a variety of common running injuries. This course fulfills an elective requirement in the physical therapy program.
Examination and Treatment of Vestibular Disorders: This elective course will provide the student with a comprehensive approach to the examination and treatment of individuals with vertigo and disequilibrium from vestibular causes. The course will emphasize diagnostic procedures, PT assessment skills, and treatment skills to effectively manage individuals with vestibular deficits. Concussion evaluation and management will be covered secondary to the role of the vestibular system dysfunction in post-concussive syndrome. Neuropsychological testing, as well as vestibular-visual interaction, will be addressed because of the importance of a multi-modal approach to recovery. The most recent evidence-based practice guidelines for treatment intervention will be presented and opportunities will be provided for assessment and treatment of individuals with vestibular deficits.
Medical Spanish: SP 6050 - Introductory Spanish for Medical and Healthcare Personnel (3 credit)
A sample curriculum flow:
Year 1 - Summer (13 hours)
- PT 6040 - Foundations of PT Lab - 1.0
- PT 6050 - Anatomy I - 2.5
- PT 6051 - Anatomy I Lab - 1.0
- PT 6060 - Movement Science - 2.0
- PT 6061 - Movement Science Lab - 0.5
- PT 6070 - PT Management of Medical Conditions I - 3.0
- PT 6080 - Evidence-Based Practice - 3.0
Year 1 - Fall (17 hours)
- PT 6130 - Clinical Kinesiology - 3.5
- PT 6131 - Clinical Kinesiology Lab - 1.5
- PT 6140 - Clinical Examination Lab - 2.0
- PT 6150 - Anatomy II - 1.0
- PT 6151 - Anatomy II Lab - 0.5
- PT 6170 - Professional Practice & Leadership - 3.0
- PT 6190 - PT Management of Cardiopulmonary Conditions - 4.0
- PT 6191 - PT Management of Cardiopulmonary Conditions Lab - 1.5
Year 1 - Spring (16.5 hours)
- PT 6341 - Lifespan Health & Wellness - 2.0
- PT 6370 - PT Management of Medical Conditions II - 4.0
- PT 6371 - PT Management of Medical Conditions II Lab - 1.0
- PT 6380 - Research Design and Analysis - 3.0
- PT 6390 - Acute and Critical Care Physical Therapy Lab - 1.5
- PT 6391 - Acute and Critical Care ICE - 0.5
- PT 6460 - PT Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions - Lower Quarter - 1.5
- PT 6461 - PT Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions - Lower Quarter Lab - 1.5
- PT 6490 - Neuroscience I - 1.5
Year 2 - Summer (12-15 hours)
- PT 7391 - Older Adult ICE - 0.5
- PT 7460 - PT Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions - Upper Quarter - 1.5
- PT 7461 - PT Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions - Upper Quarter Lab - 1.5
- PT 7490 - Neuroscience II - 3.0
- PT 7540 - Clinical Technologies - 1.5
- PT 7541 - Clinical Technologies Lab - 1.0
- PT 7550 - Health Care & Practice Management - 3.0
- Elective Option: SP 6050 - Introductory Spanish for Medical and Healthcare Personnel - 3.0
Year 2 - Fall (15.5 hours)
- PT 7170 - Community Engagement & Leadership - 2.0
- PT 7520 - PT Management of Neurological Conditions I - 3.0
- PT 7521 - PT Management of Neurological Conditions I Lab - 1.5
- PT 7560 - PT Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions - Spine & Pelvis - 2.0
- PT 7561 - PT Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions Spine & Pelvis Lab - 2.0
- PT 7640 - PT Management of Pediatric Conditions - 2.0
- PT 7641 - PT Management of Pediatric Conditions Lab - 1.0
- PT 7715 - Clinical Education I - 1.5
- PT 7716 - Reflective Practice I - 0.5
Year 2 - Spring (10 hours)
- PT 7270 - Advanced Practice & Advocacy - 2.5
- PT 7720 - PT Management of Neurological Conditions II - 3.0
- PT 7721 - PT Management of Neurological Conditions II Lab - 1.5
- PT 7760 - Special Topics - 1.0
- PT 7761 - Special Topics Lab - 1.0
- PT 7780 - Simulation in Physical Therapy Lab - 1.0
Year 3 - Summer (9-12 hours)
- PT 7815 - Clinical Education II - 3.5
- PT 8815 - Clinical Education III - 3.5
- PT 8816 - Reflective Practice II - 2.0
- Elective Option: SP 6050 - Introductory Spanish for Medical and Healthcare Personnel - 3.0
Year 3 - Fall (8 hours)
- PT 8915 - Clinical Education IV - 3.0
- PT 8916 - Reflective Practice III - 1.0
- PT 8900 - Complex Case Studies - 2.0
- Elective Options (TBD) - 2.0-3.0
Overall Hours: 101-102
For detailed curriculum information, please view or download and print the Physical Therapy section of the University Catalog.