The post-baccalaureate (post-bacc) physical therapy program at Rockhurst University is offered to students who have already completed a bachelor’s degree in another discipline and wish to pursue a graduate degree in PT.

Program Overview
Rockhurst University’s renowned physical therapy (PT) program prepares the next generation of PT professionals, guiding students from their first undergraduate classes all the way through to a fully accredited doctorate degree.
This journey includes offering a post-bacc PT program to students who have a bachelor’s degree in another discipline, but still need to complete initial entry requirements for the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program.
Rooted in a classic liberal arts, Jesuit education, Rockhurst post-bacc PT program develops students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and prepares them for the rigors of graduate-level PT courses.
Physical therapy students who emerge from Rockhurst are ready to impact the lives of those they serve, engage in lifelong learning and conduct themselves with the moral responsibility needed for professional practice.
Program cost: This program is charged the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Certificate rate of $652 per credit hour. (2024-25)
Our Vision
To transform the health and well-being of our dynamic society by optimizing learning and movement.
Our Mission
Develop physical therapists who are prepared to embrace societal transformation through clinical and professional excellence.
Program Goals:
- To prepare physical therapists who demonstrate excellence in clinical skills and professionalism.
- To implement an accredited, entry-level physical therapy curriculum with effective instructional strategies.
- To contribute to the growth of physical therapy education and physical therapy practice through the dissemination of scholarship in the areas of discovery, integration, application, teaching and learning.
- To establish partnerships that support and enrich students, faculty and the community.
- To foster the growth of faculty in areas of teaching, scholarship and service.
Program Outcomes
- A robust resume for admission into a graduate PT program, including Rockhurst’s Doctorate of Physical Therapy
- A strong career outlook and future success: More than 90% of Rockhurst students pass licensure exams on their first attempt, with an even higher rate of employment in PT within six months of graduation.
Course Map
Degree and class descriptions and requirements can be found by clicking on the course catalog listing below:
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