Direct Entry
Earn your seat in Rockhurst University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program before you even begin college courses! Our Direct Entry options provide early assurance and a path toward earning both your undergraduate/bachelor's (UG) and DPT degrees. Start your physical therapy career in as little as five and a half years!
Two Entry Points:
3+ Entry Point
UG degree + Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 5.5 years
With the 3+ entry point, high school seniors or Rockhurst University juniors can complete their Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and DPT degrees in five and a half years. Students awarded a seat through the 3+ entry point will complete their undergraduate degree in Exercise Science following a curricular map designed for the 3+ entry point plan.
- The curricular plan enables students to enroll in the first year of graduate-level DPT courses during the fourth year of their undergraduate program.
- Students begin the first term of DPT classes in the summer semester following their third undergraduate year. While still classified as undergraduate seniors, students enroll in "dual credit" DPT courses that count as undergraduate electives to fulfill the 128 credit hours required to earn a bachelor's degree.
- These final undergraduate/4th-year courses also count toward the requirements for the DPT degree.
High School Seniors
Apply for admission as a high school senior to Rockhurst University’s DPT program as an undergraduate Exercise Science major.
Rockhurst University Juniors
Apply for admission in your junior year, provided you have completed the first four semesters of the Direct Entry 3+ Exercise Science curriculum (or equivalent hours/requirements). Students must attain cumulative and science prerequisite GPAs of at least 3.65 during their undergraduate studies.
4+ Entry Point
UG degree + Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree in 6.5 years
With the 4+ entry point, high school seniors or college juniors complete a degree in Exercise Science or any other major prior to beginning the DPT coursework.
High School Seniors
Apply for admission as a high school senior to Rockhurst University’s DPT program and pursue any major (including Exercise Science).
College Juniors
Apply for admission in your junior year, provided you have completed between 48 and 60 hours of undergraduate coursework at Rockhurst or another accredited institution, or have been awarded an associate of arts degree.
Admissions Requirements
High School Seniors
- Prerequisite coursework consists of college preparatory high school curriculum
- A minimum high school grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
- Students may choose to submit a test score in the application process, but scores are not required for freshman direct entry consideration. Please note that while standardized test scores are not required for admission, a state board's stadardized test is required to become a practicing physical therapist.
College Juniors
- Achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.65 (on a 4.0 scale)
- Achieve a science GPA of at least 3.65 (on a 4.0 scale)
- Prerequisites
- 3+ Early Assurance – Students must have completed the first four semesters of the Early Assurance 3+ Exercise Science curriculum (or equivalent hours/requirements)
- 4+ Early Assurance – Students who have completed between 48 and 60 hours of undergraduate coursework at Rockhurst or another accredited institution, or have been awarded an associate of arts degree
Students admitted into the DPT program on the 3+/4+ entry points are expected to meet the following requirements to maintain their respective seats:
- Maintain at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA and 3.5 science prerequisite GPA annually (on a 4.0 scale)
- Provide the PT Department with a copy of their transcript following the completion of each spring semester for review
- Complete all prerequisite classes as specified by the Department of Physical Therapy
- Maintain active membership in the PURPOSE (pre-health student club) by attending a minimum of 3 meetings per year
- Meet annually with a DPT program representative
- Demonstrate progression toward the completion of a baccalaureate degree by the end of the fourth year (before entry into DPT curriculum)
For more information regarding DPT Early Assurance Program options, contact graduate@rockhurst.edu.