Dean's Scholar Program - Frequently Asked Questions
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Who is eligible to be a Dean’s Scholar?
Incoming freshmen who have a 3.5 high school GPA are invited to be Dean’s Scholars. Transfer students with a 3.5 GPA are eligible to apply for a custom program based on completion time.
Does accepting the Dean’s Scholar invitation mean that I must complete a graduate business master’s degree?
No, that is your option. We will advise you and make sure you are ready for that step, but it is your choice!
What types of international experiences are available?
There are many options – you can participate in one-week international service immersion experiences, one-to-two week international curricular experiences, or more traditional semester-long study abroad experiences. The cost varies based on the option chosen, however we always work to keep costs reasonable to encourage broad participation.
I’m an international student and may not have permission to travel outside the U.S. Can I still be in the program?
Yes! We will work to create alternative experiences that meet the same objectives.
Do all Dean’s Scholar students take the same courses?
Because no two students have the same undergraduate or graduate aspirations, advising and course selection will be different for each student. You will be carefully advised to assure you have the prerequisites for your chosen path. For some non-business degrees, that will mean taking a business or analytics minor in addition to your chosen major. Don’t worry – we will advise you carefully to assure you are on the right path.
How are internships found?
Students work directly with our Career Services and our Executive-in-Residence to identify internship opportunities that are related to the your field of interest. We work to help you shape your resume, hone your interview skills, and build your professional network.
Are there financial benefits for being a Dean’s Scholar?
Yes! Long term, advanced degrees in business lead to higher median salaries throughout your career. Short term, you can begin your graduate classes during your last semester as an undergraduate student, therefore reducing the cost of your graduate business degree.
What are the requirements to stay in the Dean’s Scholar Program?
Students must maintain a 3.25 GPA and complete program benchmarks. Benchmarks include elements such as creating a LinkedIn profile, a resume, and attending certain developmental events designed for Dean’s Scholar students.