Intern Update: Patrick Rice
Patrick Rice
Marketing, College of Business, Influence, and Information Analysis
Brady Crawford State Farm - Contact Representative
My name is Patrick Rice and I am currently an intern at Brady Crawford State Farm in the Kansas City area. I have been working at this job with two other fellow Rockhurst students since May and the experience has been very worthwhile. As a marketing major I wanted an internship where I would gain real experience in working with clients and also a look into the sales world. This internship has been perfect for fulfilling these needs and helped give me knowledge of what I want for my career.
Typically a day in my workplace consists of my fellow interns and I calling potential clients and acquiring quotes on either home, auto, and/or life insurance. This process can sometimes be a bit difficult but it is very rewarding when we meet our weekly goals of at least 15 quotes per week. After working at this internship for a number of months I have found it to be very insightful and have even helped two of my friends get internships with State Farm for next semester. I recommend this job because of the great mentoring and career advice that my boss and fellow employees have given me. Furthermore, this job has taught me what type of office environment I would want to work in and hopefully one day be in charge of!
My boss has been great in helping me to advance my career and find a full-time position after school. Because of what he has taught me and his connections I have gotten to talk with a few marketing companies that I would be very interested in working with after school. I am proud that have gotten to work with and meet so many great people through this internship and I am very excited for what is to come after this great experience!