Impact of Internships on Career Success for Liberal Arts and Science Students
A recent study shows the importance of increasing student access to internship experiences. The study found that internships increased a student's ability to succeed academically as well as improved their chances of post-graduate career success within the first six months following graduation. Students who had higher GPA's and utilized Career Services were more likely to find an internship where they received some level of compensation for their work. The study also found that students from lower socioeconomic standings were at a stark disadvantage. However, students whose core curriculum integrated some level of internship or practical experience did increase the successful transition of students into the workforce regardless of their financial standing.
Overall, improving access to first internships for liberal arts and science students and continuing to build on that access to high-quality internships available to students is crucial. Building a strong relationship between liberal arts and science academic programs and Career Services can help students transition successfully and improve their chances of finding post-graduate opportunities.
"There is also evidence that internship participation (especially participation in multiple internships over the course of a college career), engagement in career development activities, and an accurate understanding of labor market realities are central to a student's ability to respond to post-graduate opportunities and challenges."
For the full research article: NACE