It’s incredibly important to take care of yourself when you come to college. This extends beyond any exercise you can get walking to class or going to the gym and your meal plan in the cafeteria. It takes a good, conscious effort to keep your mental health in check, and we’ve compiled some tips to help you out.
Take breaks. There are a lot of things to do during your day, and it can be deceptively easy to get lost in work without realizing it. Many students use timers and things like the Pomodoro Technique to break up their work time and keep themselves in check. Get outside on these breaks as well. Taking walks and getting sunshine has been proven to improve your mood, and a breath of fresh air is… well, you know.
Take good care of your body. We mentioned it earlier, but exercise and diet are just as important to your mental health as it is to your physical health. Getting to the gym and releasing endorphins gets easier and easier the more you do it. Every daily runner you see is always eerily happy before and after their exercise, and that’s probably no coincidence. Tons of studies also show that diets including high amounts of sugar and fat contribute to depression and anxiety. Try to stay away from relying on addictive energy drinks to keep awake and always keep everything you put into your body in moderation.
Don’t be afraid to get help. This is the hardest part of it all. Admitting when you need someone else isn’t easy, but there are tons of resources out there for you. Consider if you might want counseling for any issue you’re facing, mental or otherwise. Professionals can put things into perspective that you may be unable to see and are always looking out for your best interest.
At Rockhurst, “Care for the Whole Person” is one of our Core Values and we’re always focused on keeping you at your best. Find a great place to work out with the Magis Activity Center or create an appointment at our Counseling Center if you’re searching for personalized mental health advice.