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Rockhurst University (“University”) contracts must comply with the University’s Contract Administration Policy, Contract Review Protocol and Best Practice Guidelines, the Rockhurst University’s Purchasing and Contracting Procedures (“Purchasing Guidelines”) and be signed by an Authorized Employee with appropriate authority to bind the University.
Before the University can enter into a contract, the contract must be legally reviewed/approved, and all required departmental reviews/approvals must be obtained. After those requirements have been met, the authorized University employee will be able to sign the contract to bind the University and, provided the contract is fully executed, the parties can move forward to perform their respective obligations under the contract. The authorized University employee will arrange to route the contract for signature using a signature process or a secure certificate-based electronic signature service that has been approved by the University. For questions around this, please contact Computer Services at or the Compliance & Risk Management Office.
If a contract does not meet the Contract Guidelines, the contract should also be reviewed by the Compliance & Risk Management Office. To submit a contract for review by the Compliance & Risk Management Office, please fill out the Contract Routing and Approval form and send the form and a copy of the contract (in Word format) to the Compliance & Risk Management Office at
A copy of the Contract Administration Policy, the Board of Trustees Resolution (Appendix 1), University Purchasing and Contracting Procedures and Contract Guidelines (“Purchasing Guidelines”) (Appendix 2), University’s Contract Review Protocol and Best Practice Guidelines (“Contract Guidelines”) (Appendix 3) and Contract Routing and Approval Form (Appendix 4) can be found on the Rockhurst Intranet.