Rockhurst University Annual Clery Act Security and Fire Report – 2023 CLERY Report

Mission of Rockhurst University

Rockhurst is a comprehensive university and a supportive community that forms lifelong learners in the Catholic, Jesuit, liberal arts tradition who engage with the complexities of our world and serve others as compassionate, thoughtful leaders.

Vision Statement

To create a more just world through inclusive, innovative, and transformative education.

Message from the Chief of Safety and Security

As the Chief of the Department of Safety and Security, I am honored to present to you the Annual Clery Act Security Report (ASR) for the year 2023.

This report is more than just an enumeration of statistics and guidelines; it reflects our unwavering dedication to ensuring the safety, security, and well-being of everyone who calls Rockhurst University home. Our commitment to Service, Integrity, Inclusion, Professionalism, Respect, and Accountability is evident in every facet of the report, as it resonates with the University's Mission and Core Values.

The Clery ASR serves as a beacon of transparency, ensuring that current and prospective students, staff, and faculty are informed about the safety measures in place, the resources available, and the nature and frequency of incidents that have occurred on campus. By making this information accessible, we empower every member of the Rockhurst community to make informed decisions about their safety.

We've always believed in the strength of our community. Our proactive approach to safety, combined with the tradition of Cura Personalis, has made Rockhurst a place where everyone collaborates in fostering a secure environment. The robust dialogue between our department and the broader university community is a testament to this mutual trust and cooperation.

I encourage each one of you to read the report, understand its implications, and become active participants in our shared goal of maintaining a safe campus environment. Remember, safety is not the sole responsibility of a department; it's a collective effort, and each individual's awareness and action make a significant difference.

Serving Rockhurst University and the wider Campus Community is both an honor and a privilege. We are deeply grateful for your collaboration and trust as we journey together.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Safety and Security if you have questions or need further information about the report or our safety measures.

Warmest regards,

Chief Randy Hopkins
Department of Safety and Security
(816) 501-4659

Rockhurst University Security Reports

Clery Act Campus Crime Statistics

The statistical summaries of crimes for the University over the past three calendar years are detailed in the following documents:

Troost Campus - 2023 CLERY Crime Statistics 2020-2022
Westport Campus - 2023 CLERY Crime Statistics 2020-2022

The following section consolidates information related to both the Troost and Westport campuses: 

Crimes unfounded by the University:

2022: 0 unfounded crimes.

2021: 0 unfounded crimes.

2020: 0 unfounded crimes.

Statistics for unfounded crimes provided by law enforcement agencies:

2022: 0 unfounded crimes.

2021: 0 unfounded crimes.

2020: 0 unfounded crimes.

Data from law enforcement agencies:

The data above reflects statistics provided by law enforcement agencies related to crimes that occurred on the University’s Clery Geography.

Title IX Sexual Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy

Consistent with its Jesuit tradition of focus on individual dignity and cura personalis or “Care for the Whole Person,” the University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any of its education programs or activities.

To inquire about the application of Title IX or to make a report of sex discrimination, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator using their contact information found at Resources and Materials or by filling out a Sexual Harassment Reporting Form. 

Weapon-Free Policy

Rockhurst Student Handbook


Missouri’s Concealed Carry Law permits individuals to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun; however, a permit holder cannot carry a concealed firearm on to “any higher education institution or elementary or secondary school facility without the consent of the governing body” [R.S.Mo. 571.107.1(10)]. In addition, there continues to be a national awareness of the harmful and destructive potential of other weapons including any and all firearms, ammunition, explosives/incendiary devices, dangerous chemicals, hazardous materials, or flammable materials.


In the interest of maintaining a safe academic and employment environment free of violence and danger for all students, faculty, staff and visitors, Rockhurst University prohibits the possession, transportation, storage, or use of any and all weapons including firearms, ammunition, explosives/incendiary devices, dangerous chemicals, hazardous materials, or flammable materials on any University owned or leased property (including in motor vehicles) or at any University-sponsored function (regardless of whether or not the party has a permit to carry a concealed firearm). The policy applies to all University students, faculty, staff, contract employees, vendors, and visitors on University property or at any University-sponsored function. This policy does not apply to any law enforcement personnel engaging in official duties.


“Any Rockhurst property” includes the main campus, all academic and administrative buildings, all Residence Life facilities, all recreational facilities, all parking areas, and any and all other property owned or leased by Rockhurst.

“Any and all weapons” includes without limitation any firearm, knife, or other agents/instruments (e.g. Explosives/incendiary devices, chemicals, hazardous materials, flammable materials, etc.) Capable of lethal use – whether in plain view or concealed, and whether with or without a concealed carry endorsement, permit, or license. Should anyone have a question regarding whether an item is covered by this policy, they should contact Security, Human Resources, or the Dean of Students Office.

“Explosives/incendiary devices” includes any and all devices capable of driving or bursting out with violence/noise or capable of causing destruction/injury – whether or not detonated or capable of being detonated on-site or from a remote location.

Reporting Obligations/Enforcement:

If students, faculty, or staff believe another person covered by this policy possesses a concealed handgun or other weapons in violation of this policy, they must immediately report this information to the Security Department. Students, faculty and staff should be aware that the enforcement of this policy might involve confronting individuals carrying dangerous weapons. They should not take any unnecessary risks or compromise their safety in enforcing this policy.

Failure to abide by this policy, or to report knowledge of a possible violation of it, will subject a student or faculty/staff member to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, expulsion from the University (student), termination of the faculty/staff member (in accordance with Code of Conduct and Employee Handbook guidelines), and disclosure of the incident to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

The University reserves the right to search all personal and college-owned or leased vehicles, packages, containers, briefcases, purses, backpacks, lockers, desks, enclosures, offices, or other University owned/leased property for the purpose of determining whether any weapon has been brought onto its premises in violation of this policy. These searches will only be conducted in the event of probable cause or reasonable suspicion and will be conducted in accordance with appropriate search procedures.

The President, President’s Staff, Deans, Department Chairs, Directors, and other managers/supervisors are responsible for assuring compliance with this policy. The Security Department, Office of Human Resources, and Dean of Students Office are jointly responsible for the administration of the policy.