The RockCast, Ep. 8: Black History is Happening Now
This week we welcome Alicia Douglas, director of Community Relations & Outreach and director of the Rockhurst Community Center. Alicia talks about what the Center does for the community, how students can engage in the broader community, as well as Black History Month and how "Black history is happening at this moment in time. It’s happening today." Additional topics include the recent announcements about spring commencement being in-person, fall 2021 classes returning closer to normal, how to get (more) involved on campus, and a short Super Bowl review.
Quotable: “Find ways to be friends with different types of people. There were interests that I ended up developing that I didn’t think I had at the point when I first got to Rockhurst… When you get those friends, get to know more about what they like and they’ll do the same for you.”