Festival of Student Achievement Celebrates Student Accomplishments
Like most spring campus traditions, the COVID-19 pandemic meant that the awards ceremony at this year’s Festival of Student Achievement, typically a one-day showcase of the work done by students in the realms of leadership and academic research, could not take place in a full auditorium of supportive peers.
But the honorees deserve recognition nonetheless for their work, and so Rockhurst University put together a video to honor the students who have distinguished themselves.
“While the Festival of Student Achievement will be taking place virtually this year, there is still lots to celebrate — lots to celebrate in terms of the accomplishments of our students, along with their companions, the faculty and staff,” he said.
See the full list of honorees, as well as a list of research projects and a video of the awards ceremony, here.
Honorees at this year’s Festival of Student Achievement:
Student Development Awards
Outstanding Support for Diversity
Student Organization of Latinos
Outstanding Community Service
Jermal Perkins
Outstanding Student Organization
Delta Sigma Pi
Rising Star Award
Theta Phi Alpha
Living the Mission Living the Mission Emerging Student Leader Award
J. T. Cornelius and Bri’Yana Merrill
Living the Mission Advanced Student Leaders Award
Nicole Floistad and Carmen Macias
Outstanding Student Leader
Brandt Callahan, Will Martel and Caroline Adams
Hawk of the Year
Jansen Rouillard
Staff Member of the Year
Susan Janet
Faculty Member of the Year
Laura Forsberg, Ph.D
Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year
Joanna Cielocha, Ph.D.
Academic Awards
Outstanding Senior in French Award
Abra Miller
Excellence in French Award
John Sweetman
American Society of the French Academic Palms Summer Scholarship for Study Aboard
Julia Bloss
American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry Outstanding Senior Award
Vincent Galate
American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry
Chloe Wessel
American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry
Daniel Kohl
American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award
Jacob Langerot
Reva R. Servoss Chemistry Prize
Moriah Davis, Hannah Nelligan, Lilian Odom, Jessica Peters, Margaret Witt
Edward Kos Award for Academic Achievement in Cell and Molecular Biology
Logan Tarter
Marshall Andersen Award for Academic Achievement in Macrobiology
Mary Strecker
Barbara Wynne Outstanding Biology Student Award
Meg Dionisi, Emily Duff
Hugh Owens Prize in History
Margaret Gerard
Father Aloysius Breen, S.J. English Award
Lily Buehler
Charles M. Kovich Dramatist Award
Stuart Hilton (posthumously)
Michael D. O'Connor Psychology Medal
Katherine Mathes
Rossner Philosophy Medal
Andrew Burnside
Scrivener Medal
Emma Martinez
Ignatian Student Teaching Award
Todd Patrick Preston, Elizabeth Kathleen Gregg
Arrupe Service Learning Award
Jason Eberly, Kathryn Eilerman, Janelle Dempsey
School of Education Magis Leadership Award
Lucia Brancato, Darya Hadjian, Petyon Wydick
Robin Bowen Award for Leadership
Emily Renna
Jane Rues Service Recognition
Alexandra Goossen, Leah Guensche, Emma Kelly, Rachel Landon, Hanna Larson, Nicolette Lynch, Garret Anne Nevins, Kaitlin Petersen, Abigail Walsh
Megan Lynn Barnett Memorial Scholarship
Megan Parks
Lampe-Loescher Award
Paige Valaika
Donna J. Calvert Award for Outstanding Professionalism and Communication
Lauren Cairo
Ellen Spake Award for Outstanding Leadership
Logan Taylor
Rues Family Scholarship
Kaitlin Petersen
Teresa Hastings LaManno Scholarship
Molly Root
Communication Sciences and Disorders SWELLS Awards
For Learning
Laura Knox, Alex Wilburn
For Leadership
Morgen Smith and Mary Charlotte Meredith
For Service
Hannah O’Rear and Curtis Chapman
Mary Jane Youngstrom Occupational Therapy Centennial Award
Sarah Harig
Physics Medal
Samson Truong, Mai Vu
Catherine Thompson Service Award
Patty Pampolina
Jean Hiebert Award for Outstanding Academic Performance
Matt Burton, Monica Hacker
Dowling Oratory Medalist
Maddie Gramlich
Robert W. Miller Speech Award
Kat Dolan
William A Luby Mathematics Medal
Mackenzie Richards, Amanda Gulley
Deans Highest Honors
Mackenzie Richards, Evan Bolton
Undergraduate Award for Distinguished Leadership
Caitlin Ricker, Madeline Shriver
Undergraduate Award for Superior Service
Rachel Larberg, Alexis Sims
Delta Sigma Pi Key Award
Martina Mussacchio
Deans Award for Academic Achievement
Mary Koeller, Jenna Coon
Service to the Greater Society Award
Audrey Byerley
Barbara A Clemence Award
Lauren Roberts
Leadership Excellence Award
Shannon McLaughlin
Excellence in Nursing Award
Jenna Coon, Dylan Dykstra
William V. Longmoor Award
Jared Hager