Info for Faculty and Staff - Registration and Business Operations
Rockhurst Staff and Faculty Companions,
Please read the message below carefully for details about changes to registration and daily operations during our reduced in-person operations.
Registration Information
We are notifying students today of important changes to our normal registration process for the summer and fall semesters, as well as a change in deadlines. You will be copied on the email. Please read the following carefully and consult with the professional advisors in your area if you have any questions.
1. We are delaying when students can begin registering for Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 classes by one week. Both Summer and Fall registrations will begin on Thursday, April 2nd at 7 a.m. While no PINS are required for summer course registrations, undergraduate students will need to meet remotely with their advisor to get their fall registration PIN. You may do this via Zoom, Canvas, FaceTime, or phone. (Graduate student registrations never require a PIN.) If you are an academic advisor, then please reach out to your advisees to tell them how you are going to have your advisement meetings. The updated registration schedule may be found at
2. We are telling students that if they run into pre-requisite errors when trying to register that they should contact the professional advisor in their college.
3. We are moving certain deadlines:
a. Withdrawals: The Full term withdrawal deadline is extended by one week – the last date to withdraw from full term courses is now Monday, April 13.
b. B Session Course Drop Deadline: The deadline to drop a session B course and receive a 100% refund is now Monday, March 30. The last date for withdrawal for 50% refund is now Monday, April 6.
c. The procedure for withdrawing from a course is moved to an electronic process: Students who wish to withdraw from a course are told to send one email to their instructor, their academic advisor and to indicating from which course(s) they wish to withdraw. Emailing these three individuals replaces the normal walk-in withdrawal process.
4. The Registrar’s office is in the process of creating online forms for several processes. As those are developed, they will be placed on both the advisor page: and registrar page: .
Finance Office
Staff from the finance office will be on campus periodically through the week (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) to ensure all vendors and employees are paid on a timely basis. To facilitate this, departments are expected to receive mail and process invoices with budget coding and the proper approvals in a timely manner so we do not incur late fees.
Departments should contact their vendors and request electronic invoices if the department will not have staff on campus to receive mail. Approved and coded invoices can be scanned and emailed to Liz Mease or sent via inter-office mail. Invoices received directly in the Finance Office will be scanned and emailed to the appropriate department for coding and approval. As a reminder, please use the on-line fillable requisition form found on the intranet at
Purchasing card coding and approval will continue to be done online via ComData. Please contact Liz Mease with purchasing card requests and we will facilitate delivery/pick up of the card.
Cash/checks received in departments should be deposited into a lockbox, however, if the lockbox is not accessible due to offices being locked, please contact Christy Harrell to coordinate pick up.
To ensure we continue to pay our employees on time, supervisors should continue to approve their employees’ time in Paycom by the normal deadlines.
Requisitions for one-time stipends should be emailed to Liz Mease.
Copy Cave
The Copy Cave will continue its operations. However, mail will not be delivered to and from departments, so departments should retrieve inbound mail and send outbound mail (including inter-office mail) at the Copy Cave.
Thank you again to each of you for your efforts to keep the University running as smoothly as possible for the benefit of our students. We will continue to provide updates on a regular basis.
Matthew D. Quick, Ph.D. Randy Hopkins
Vice President & Dean of Students Chief of Security
Crisis Management Co-Chair Crisis Management Co-Chair