Student Procedures Regarding DRC Exam Room
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The Aylward-Dunn Learning Center provides an exam room for those students who qualify for testing accommodations through the Disability Resource Center. Services are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Learning Center will only provide the accommodations granted by the Disability Resource Center. If a student would like to request different or additional accommodations, they must meet with a DRC Coordinator prior to arranging their exams.
Being granted accommodations does not guarantee or require a student to take all exams or quizzes in the Learning Center. Students may always choose to take exams with the class or make alternate arrangements with the instructor.
In order to provide a reduced- distraction environment and a smooth process for all students who take exams in the Learning Center, the following policies have been put in place. These policies ensure that adequate staff is in place for scheduled exams and ensure the integrity of the exams for both the instructor’s assurance and the student’s protection. All students will be held to the same standards, so exceptions to these policies will not be made other than in the case of extreme emergency as determined by the professional staff.
Setting Up Exams
- Students are responsible for setting up each individual exam.
- Exams must be scheduled by the student at least 48 business hours (two business days) in advance of the scheduled exam date. For example, if an exam is set for 8:00 am on Monday, all arrangements need to be set up by the previous Thursday at 8:00 am. Exams that are not set up by the student at least 48 business hours in advance will not be administered. This is to ensure that we have the proper staff available and that the instructor has enough time to provide the Learning Center with the information necessary to proctor the exam.
- For extenuating circumstances, staff will maintain reasonable flexibility with the 48-hour policy at the discretion of the Learning Center Staff, DRC Staff, and the course instructor.
- Due to high demand, finals must be scheduled at least 1 week in advance. Students will receive an email with further instructions when finals week scheduling is open.
- All exams are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the exam stations are reserved for any given date/time, there will be no further exam appointments made. If the exam room is full, students should contact their instructor to make alternate arrangements.
- Students should discuss their accommodations and their plan to take their exams in the Learning Center with their instructor before scheduling an exam.
- Exams must be scheduled as close as possible to when the rest of the class is taking the exam. Any deviation from the scheduled class time greater than 1 hour may require instructor approval prior to exam scheduling.
To schedule an exam, a student should have the following information available:
- Course and instructor
- Exam date and time (in-class)
- Date and time the student would like to take the exam in the Learning Center. If this date and time differs from the date and time for the rest of the class, be prepared to explain why the time is different and instructor approval may be needed.
- The testing accommodation (e.g. time and a half)
- Whether a computer is needed for the exam (optional)
- Additional information as it pertains to the request
How to schedule exams in the Learning Center:
First (and Preferred) Option: Submit an Exam Schedule Request via this form
- Students must submit an Exam Schedule Request at least 48 business hours in advance of their requested exam time.
- Students should check their email multiple times daily for questions sent by the Learning Center.
- Until the student hears hear back from the Learning Center staff via email with confirmation that your exam has been scheduled, they have NOT been scheduled.
- After receiving confirmation via email, students should arrive at the Learning Center at the confirmed exam time and receive additional instructions.
Second Option: Email the Learning Center
- Email with a request to schedule the exam at least 48 business hours before the exam time. Include the information noted above in the email.
- Students should check their email multiple times daily for questions sent by the Learning Center.
- Until the student hears back from the Learning Center staff via email with confirmation that your exam has been scheduled, they have NOT been scheduled.
- After receiving confirmation via email, students should arrive at the Learning Center at the confirmed exam time and receive additional instructions.
Third Option: Call the Learning Center
- Call the Learning Center at 816-501-4052 to schedule the exam at least 48 business hours before the exam time.
- When the student calls, they will need the information noted above.
- While on the phone, the Learning Center staff member should be able to confirm the exam time.
- Arrive at the Learning Center at the confirmed exam time and receive additional instructions.
Fourth Option: Visit the Learning Center (Van Ackeren 200)
- Students will also need the information noted above.
Because using the Learning Center is an optional accommodation resource, exams cannot be scheduled earlier or later than the hours of operation. If exams need to occur earlier or later than testing center hours, course instructors should either proctor the exam themselves or adjust the time of the exam to fit within the Learning Center’s hours of operation.
Students should check carefully so that the exam time, which is often extended, won’t interfere with their next class. Students cannot miss or be late to a class because they are taking an exam for another class.
Should a student choose to schedule an exam knowing that they will not receive their full allotment of time (due to the center closing, another class beginning, etc.), the student may be asked to sign a waiver for each instance, acknowledging that they were advised that their exam time would be shortened. Scheduling an exam for a time shorter than allowed is highly discouraged.
Taking Exams
- Students must arrive on time for their appointment. Extended time begins at the time of the scheduled appointment, even if the student arrives late.
- No studying is allowed after the start time.
- Students should be prepared to show their student ID prior to taking an exam.
- All unnecessary clothing items such as hats, scarves, sunglasses, jackets and bulky clothing must be removed and stored. No hoods can be worn on the head while in the exam room. For religious or other exceptions, see the Disability Resource Center Coordinator.
- All personal items must be left in a designated area outside of the exam room. This includes (but is not limited to) back packs, purses, phones, electronics, smart watches, keys, hats or head coverings. Designated areas for belongings are provided but not guaranteed secure. The Learning Center is not responsible for any property left in designated areas.
- No cell phones are allowed in the exam room. Cell phones must be turned off and left inside of a backpack or purse in the designated area. Cell phones may not be accessed for any reason during exams.
- Books, notes, and other supplementary materials are allowed only if specified in advance by the instructor. These are supplied by the student, not the Learning Center.
- Calculators are only permitted if approved in advance by the instructor. Calculators will be limited to the specific type (non-graphing, scientific, etc.) indicated as acceptable by the instructor. Staff may examine the calculator. Students must bring their own calculator that meets the requirements set by the instructor. Calculators will not be provided by the Learning Center.
- Only staff can provide scratch paper, which will need to be turned in at the end of the exam whether it is used or not.
- No changes will be allowed to the instructions provided by the instructor.
- Use the restroom before the exam begins. Bathroom breaks are discouraged unless there is an associated accommodation or in the case of an emergency situation.
- A water bottle is allowed in the exam room, but food is not allowed.
- All testing is observed via closed circuit television and windows.
- Students may not use the computer at their exam station for any reason unless authorized by the instructor prior to exam time. Any unauthorized use of or behavior on a computer or electronic device means that the exam will be removed, and the student will be asked to leave the testing room. The instructor will be informed of the event.
- There is no talking in the exam room except for talking quietly with the Learning Center staff if necessary.
- Upon expiration of time allotted, students must surrender their exam, scratch paper and any additional items authorized by the instructor that were used during the exam that need to be returned to the instructor.
- No time reminders or warnings are provided by the Learning Center staff unless specified in a student’s accommodations. There is a clock in the exam room and students are expected to manage their own time.
- If a student is observed with unauthorized materials in the exam room (phones, note cards, writing on skin, etc.) that could be used to cheat on an exam, the staff will document the incident and notify the instructor and the DRC Coordinator immediately. In most cases, the student will be allowed to complete the exam, but staff may enter the room to remove the unauthorized materials. Taking further exams in the Learning Center will be suspended until a Disability Resource Center Coordinator has reviewed the concern and determined the process to be followed.
- Civil behavior must be maintained by the student at all times. Uncivil behavior can include but is not limited to arguing, raising voices, using inappropriate language, asking for exceptions to the accommodations, a pattern of not setting up exams on time, or a pattern of not cancelling exams, etc. Such behavior will mean that a student must meet with the Disability Resource Center Coordinator. The student’s privilege of using the Learning Center for future testing will be evaluated. A warning may or may not be given, based on the level of concern about a student’s behavior.
- Please direct any questions or concerns about these policies and procedures to the Learning Resource Center Director or the Disability Resource Center Coordinator. Should you believe that the Learning Center will not provide an acceptable testing environment for you, accommodations should be arranged with your instructor.
Starting an Exam
- Students should inform a Learning Center staff member that they have arrived to take their exam.
- The Learning Center staff member will do the following:
- Indicate which testing spot the student will be using.
- Give the student all the exam materials and supplies.
- Give the student a folder or envelope to place the exam materials and supplies in upon completion of an exam.
- Give a locked cubby to place all additional belongings that are not allowed in the testing rooms.
- Describe the time for the exam, accommodations, and other relevant information regarding the exam.
- Give instructions on what to do upon completing the exam.
- After receiving this information, students will complete their exam in their assigned spot.
During the Exam
- Students should stay in their assigned location unless they have questions or need to use the restroom.
- Students should save all questions until they are almost finished with the exam, so that they only need to leave their assigned testing spot once during the exam.
- The Learning Center will provide post-it notes for students to leave questions for their instructor about the exam.
Upon Completion of an Exam
- The exam materials and any additional materials that were given to complete the exam should be placed in the envelope provided.
- Students will be asked to place that envelope in a specific location as designated by the Learning Center staff when starting the exam.
- Students should retrieve their belongings from their cubby, and leave the key to the cubby in the lock.
- Students are free to leave the Learning Center following the delivery of the envelope to the assigned location and after notifying a staff member that they are finished.