Jesuit Community
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The spiritual heritage of Rockhurst University takes its origins from the founder of the Society of Jesus, St. Ignatius Loyola, a Basque knight who lived in the first half of the sixteenth century.
St. Ignatius began his life as a courtier and then a soldier. During a battle against the French in 1521, he was hit by a cannonball. While recuperating from his injuries, he read books about the life of Christ and the lives of the saints. Their example inspired him to give up his former life and become a follower of Christ.
Central to St. Ignatius’ own life and spirituality was a profound experience of God that transformed the way he looked at himself, others, and the world. He realized that God's Spirit is constantly at work in all of creation and especially in every human being whose unique gifts and talents have the potential to mirror the goodness and grandeur of God.
This experience of God’s love propelled St. Ignatius to make a response. He desired to give of himself in the service of God for the healing and well being of all creation and for helping all people reach their greatest human potential. It was for this reason that St. Ignatius formed the Society of Jesus.
Rockhurst University, founded in Kansas City in 1910, shares this 450 year-old tradition with 27 other Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States and with hundreds of other Jesuit schools, institutes, and educational works worldwide.
Jesuit education has always been noted for academic excellence and for an emphasis on education of the whole person. Academic excellence, a value-oriented education, interdisciplinary studies, a global perspective and justice remain hallmarks of Jesuit education today.
Who We Are
The St. Peter Claver Jesuit Community comprises 13 Jesuits who live and work in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Of these 13 Jesuits, 12 live in the Claver residence next to the Rockhurst University campus, and one lives and works in Kansas City, Kansas.
Together, the members of the community live out their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, serving in educational institutions, parishes and in spiritual direction.
St. Peter Claver Jesuit Community
Rockhurst High School
816-363-2036 ext. 280
Vice President for Mission
Rockhurst University
Assistant to the President
Rockhurst High School
Office of Mission & Ministry
Rockhurst University
Pastoral Minister and Teacher
Rockhurst High School
816-363-2036 ext. 540
Society of Jesus
St. Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus in 1540. Today the Society is the largest men’s religious order in the Roman Catholic Church: 17,000 Jesuit priests and brothers serve in every part of the world. In the United States, Jesuits are affiliated with 28 colleges and universities and 56 high schools. In addition, Jesuits serve in parishes, retreat houses, and a host of other ministries.
Learn More
Society of Jesus (Worldwide)
Jesuit Vocations
Is God calling you to follow Christ and serve the People of God as a member of the Society of Jesus?
Life at the Claver Residence
The St. Peter Claver Jesuit Community is located on the edge of Rockhurst University. The community chose St. Peter Claver as its patron because of his devotion to the poor and marginalized. The community serves at Rockhurst University, Rockhurst High School and St. Francis Xavier Parish in the Kansas City area.
Jesuit community life revolves around prayer, Eucharist, study, recreation, and hospitality. At Claver House we have a “daily order” meaning that we have community activities every day. These include:
- Lunch together (for those who are home)
- Common Prayer
- Recreation before dinner
- Dinner together
Regularly we have larger community activities including:
- A day of prayer at the beginning and end of the academic year
- Celebrating Thanksgiving together as a community
- Celebrating the life and ministry of confreres who are now with God
- Welcoming Jesuits from other parts of the country and world to be with us
The one goal is to do all things For the Greater Glory of God. We give all to Christ no matter what the activity to be at His service, to be His companions in building God’s Kingdom.
The St. Peter Claver Jesuit Community supports, nurtures and animates all of its members to be of service.
What We Do
Jesuits the world over work to build up the Reign of God in the service of faith and the promotion of justice. Here in Kansas City, Jesuits work in parishes and educational institutions. As well, Jesuits serve as spiritual directors for lay men and women, clergy, and religious.
Rockhurst University
Rockhurst University, founded in 1910, sits at the heart of Kansas City. Rockhurst University offers bachelor's and graduate programs of study, all aimed at forming women and men in the 470-year-old Jesuit tradition, distinguished by their competence, compassion, and conscience.
Rockhurst High School
Rockhurst High School is the Jesuit preparatory school in Kansas City. First chartered in 1910, Rockhurst High School has been at its present location since 1962. Rockhurst High School offers a rigorous program of academic, personal and spiritual development, aimed at forming young men in the 450-year old Jesuit tradition: "Men for Others," distinguished by their competence, compassion, and conscience.
St. Francis Xavier Parish
St. Francis Xavier is Kansas City’s Jesuit parish. Located at 52nd and Troost Avenue directly across from Rockhurst University in the heart of the city, this lively, diverse and passionate community of faith worships in a splendid and architecturally significant church building constructed in 1949. The pastor is Fr. Jim Caime, S.J.
Ignatian Spirituality Center
St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) was the founder of the Society of Jesus. His spirituality is best summarized in the phrase "Finding God in All Things." Ignatian spirituality emphasizes listening with a discerning heart, and choosing to live for God’s greater glory. Learn more.
Contact Us
For general information or to reserve a room at the Jesuit residence, please contact our house manager Maureen Miller at 816-501-3232 or