Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates with a MBA will:
Integrate, synthesize, and evaluate different theories of leadership to include: self-awareness, team-building, and improving organizational effectiveness.
- Diagnose and categorize different ethical situations and propose areas of employee development and organizational change to promote ethical behavior.
Interpret and make recommendations of financial statements to include:
- Income Statements
- Cash flow position
- Forms of capitalization
- Budgeting and monitoring of budgets
Identify forces of globalization and make recommendations on how they affect the multinational corporation.
- Potential Emerging Markets
- Cross Cultural Management Issues
- Institutional (risk) factors
- Current fluctuations
- Strategic entry strategies
Analyze, interpret and develop market assessments that include:
- Competitive Structure and Rivalry
- Financial Position
- Growth Strategies
- External market factors
Effectively communicate ideas, problems and proposals through:
- written communication,
- verbal communication,
- data analysis presentations.