Gift Form

Yes! I'd like to support Rockhurst University!

Print Form and Fill OutPrint


Enclosed is my gift of: $________________________________


▢ Check made payable to Rockhurst University

▢ Credit Card:

▢ Mastercard

▢ Visa

▢ American Express

▢ Discover


Card Number


Expiration Date


Name as it Appears on Card


Please direct my gift in the following way:


▢ The Rockhurst Fund


▢ Other: ________________________________



Name (Please Print)


Class Year (if applicable)




Phone Number


City, State, Zip Code


Email Address


Please return this completed form with your gift to:

Rockhurst University
Office of Annual Giving
1100 Rockhurst Road
Kansas City, MO 64110


Please contact the Office of Annual Giving at 816-501-4731 or