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Adams, P. "Gabriel Marcel: Metaphysician or Moralist?," Philosophy Today, Vol X (1966): 182-
Allen, R.T. "When Loyalty No Harm Meant," Review of Metaphysics, Vol.43 (1989): pp.281-294.
Anderson, T.C. A Commentary on Gabriel Marcel’s The Mystery of Being (Marquette U.P., 2006)
-----"Gabriel Marcel's notions of Being," Philosophy Today, XIX (1975): 29-49.
-----"Philosophy and the Experience of God according to Gabriel Marcel," Proceedings of the
Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 55 (1981): 228-238.
-----"The Nature of the Human Self according to Gabriel Marcel," Philosophy Today, Vol. XXIX
(1985): 273-283.
-----"The Experiential Paths to God in Kierkegaard and Marcel," Philosophy Today, Vol. XXVI
(1982): 22-40.
Appelbaum, D. Contact and Attention: The Anatomy of Gabriel Marcel's Metaphysical Method.
Lanham, MD: U. P. of America, 1986.
Avron,Dan. Martin Buber: The Hidden Dialogue. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.
Bagot, J.P. Connaissance et amour: essai sur la philosophie de Gabriel Marcel. Paris: Beauchesne
Press, 1958.
Bedford, M. Existentialism and Creativity. New York: Philosophical Library, 1972.
Benson, J.. "John Wisdom and Gabriel Marcel on Proving the Existence of God," Philosophy
Today, Vol. XXI (1987): 194-200.
Bergson, H. An Introduction to Metaphysics. New York: Macmillan, 1955.
Bernard, M. La philosophie religieuse de Gabriel Marcel. Paris: Les Cahiers du Nouvel
Humanisme, 1952.
Bertocci, P.A. "Descartes and Marcel on the Person and His Body: A critique," Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXVIII (1967-8): 207-226.
Blackham, H.J. Six Existentialist Thinkers. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952.
Blain, L.A. "Marcel's logic of freedom in proving the existence of God," International
Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. IX (1969): 177-204.
Bourgeois, Patrick. "Ricoeur and Marcel: An Alternative to Postmodern Deconstruction," Bulletin
de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, Vol. VII (Spring 1995): 164-175.
Buber, M. Between Man and Man, trans by R.G. Smith. London, Fontana, 1947.
-----I and Thou, trans. by W. Kaufmann. New York: Scribner's, 1970.
----- Eclipse of God. New York: Harper, 1952.
----- The Knowledge of Man, trans. by M. Friedman and R. Gregor Smith. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:
Humanities Press, 1988.
-----"Replies to my Critics," in P. Schilpp & M. Friedman, (eds.). The Philosophy of Martin Buber.
La Salle, IL.: Open Court, 1967.
Bugbee, R.G. "A point of co-articulation in the life and thought of Gabriel Marcel," Philosophy
Today, Vol. XIX (1975): 61-67.
Busch, F.W. "Gabriel Marcel on Existence, Being and Immortality," Proceedings of the American
Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 52 (1978): 77-86.
Busch, T. Circulating Being: From Embodiment to Incorporation. New York: Fordham U.P.,
-----"Secondary Reflection as Interpretation," Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de -
Langue Française, Vol. VII (Spring 1995): 176-183.
-----"Gabriel Marcel: an overview and assessment," Philosophy Today, Vol. XIX (1975): 4-11.
Cain, S. Gabriel Marcel. South Bend, IN: Regnery, 1963.
-----Gabriel Marcel's Theory of Religious Experience. New York: Peter Lang, 1995.
Cauchy, V. (ed.). Philosophy and Culture: Vol. 5. Montreal: Ed Montmorency, 1988.
Chenu, J. Le theatre de Gabriel Marcel et sa signification metaphysique. Paris: Aubier, 1948.
Clark, G. "God and experience: rejuvenation, hope and participation," Philosophy Today, Vol. XIX
(1975), 68-75.
Collins, J. The Existentialists: A Critical Study. Chicago: Regnery, 1958.
Cooney, W. (ed.). Contributions of Gabriel Marcel to Philosophy. New York: Mellen Press, 1989.
Cooper, D.E. Existentialism: A Reconstruction. London: Blackwell, 1990.
Davey, M.M. Un philosophe itinerant: Gabriel Marcel. Paris: Flammarion, 1959.
De Carvalho, M.J. In Search of Being: Man in Conflict with the Spectre of Nothingness, trans. by S.
Wald. New York: Philosophical Library, 1985.
Dreyfus, H.L. Being-in-the-world: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division 1.
Cambridge, MA: M.I.T., 1991.
Diamond, M.L. "Dialogue and Theology" in P. Schilpp and M. Friedman (eds.)., The Philosophy of
Martin Buber. La Salle, IL.: Open Court, 1967, pp.235-248.
Ewing, A.C. Idealism. London: Longman, 1934.
Friedman, M. Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue. New York: Harper, 1960.
Friedmann, M. To Deny Our Nothingness: Contemporary Images of Man. New York: Victor
Gollancz, 1967.
Gallagher, K. The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. New York: Fordham U.P. 1975.
-----"Metaphysics as Mystery: From Kant to Marcel," in R.J. Roth (ed.), God Knowable and
Unknowable. New York: Fordham U.P., 1973.
Gibbs, R.B. "Substitution: Marcel and Levinas," Philosophy and Theology, Vol. 4 (1989): 171-185.
Gillman, N. Gabriel Marcel on Religious Knowledge. Lanham, MD: U.P. of America, 1975.
Gilson, E. "A Unique Philosopher," Philosophy Today, Vol. III (1959): 278-289.
-----(ed.). Existentialisme Chretien: Gabriel Marcel. Paris: Plon, 1947.
Godfrey, J.J. A Philosophy of Human Hope. Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff, 1987.
-----"Appraising Marcel on Hope," Philosophy Today, Vol.31 (1987): 234-240.
-----"The Phenomena of Trusting and Relational Ontologies," Bulletin de la Société Américaine de
Philosophie de Langue Française, Vol. VII (Spring 1995): 104-121.
Haldane, E.S. & Ross, G.R.T. (eds.). The Philosophical Works of Descartes (Two Volumes).
London: Cambridge U.P., 1975.
Hanley, K.R. Dramatic Approaches to Creative Fidelity: A Study in the Theatre and Philosophy of
Gabriel Marcel. Lanham, MD. U.P. of America, 1986.
-----"Marcel: the Playwright Philosopher," Renascence, Vol. LV, No. 3 (Spring 2003): 241-258.
-----(ed.). Two One Act Plays by Gabriel Marcel. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986.
-----(ed.). Gabriel Marcel's Perspectives on The Broken World. Milwaukee: Marquette U.P., 1998.
-----(ed.). Two Plays by Gabriel Marcel. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988.
-----(ed.). Ghostly Mysteries: A Mystery Of Love And The Posthumous Joke. Milwaukee: Marquette
U.P., 2004.
-----(ed.). Gabriel Marcel, A Path to Peace: Dramatic Explorations by Gabriel Marcel (Five Plays)
(Marquette U.P., 2007)
Hanratty, Gerald. "The Religious Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel," Heythrop Journal, Vol. 17
(1976): 395-412.
Hartshorne, Charles. "Martin Buber's Metaphysics" in P. Schilpp and M. Friedman, The Philosophy
of Martin Buber. La Salle, IL.: Open Court, 1967, pp.49-68.
Heidegger, M. Being and Time, trans. by J. Macquarrie & E. Robinson (New York: Harper & Row,
-----Identity and Difference, trans. Joan Stambaugh. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1960.
-----The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, trans. A. Hofstadter. Bloomington, IN: Indiana U.P.,
Heinemann, F. Existentialism and the Modern Predicament. New York: Harper & Row, 1954.
Hernandez, Jill Graper. Gabriel Marcel’s Ethics of Hope: Evil, God and Virtue (Continuum, 2013)
Hocking, W.E. "Marcel and the Ground Issues of Metaphysics," Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research, Vol. XIV (1954): 439-469.
Howland, M.D. The Gift of the Other: Gabriel Marcel's Concept of Intersubjectivity in Walker
Percy's Novels. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1990.
Husserl, E. The Idea of Phenomenology, trans. by W. Alston & G. Nakhnikian. The Hague,
Martinus Nijhoff, 1973.
-----Ideas, trans. W.R. Boyce Gibson. New York: Collier, 1962.
-----Logical Investigations, trans. J.N. Findley (Two Vols). New York: Humanities Press, 1970.
James, W. A Pluralistic Universe. New York: Longmans, 1916.
Jaspers, K. Leonardo, Descartes, Max Weber. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1964
Keeling, S.V. Descartes. London: Oxford U.P., 1968.
Keen, S. Gabriel Marcel. Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1967.
Kenny, A. Descartes. New York: Random House, 1968.
Kepnes, Steven. The Text as Thou. Bloomington, IN: Indiana U.P., 1992.
Kerlin, M. "Freedom and Identity," Philosophy Today, Vol. XVI (1972):148-159.
Kingston, F.T. French Existentialism: A Christian Critique. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
Kockelmans, J.J. (ed.). Contemporary European Ethics. New York: Anchor, 1972.
Koenig, T.R. Human Existence and Philosophical Experience. New York: Krieger, 1985.
Kruks, S. Situation and Human Existence: Freedom, Subjectivity and Society. London: Unwin,
Lapointe, F.H. & C.C. Gabriel Marcel and his Critics: An International Bibliography 1928-1977.
New York: Garland, 1977.
Lazaron, H. Gabriel Marcel: The Dramatist. London: Colin Smythe, 1978.
Lechner, R. "Marcel as Radical Empiricist," in P. Schilpp & L. Hahn (eds.), The Philosophy of
Gabriel Marcel. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1984, pp.457-469.
-----(ed.). "Gabriel Marcel," Special Issue on Marcel of Philosophy Today, Vol. XIX (1975).
Levinas, E. "Martin Buber, Gabriel Marcel, and Philosophy" in H. Gordon (ed.), Martin Buber
(New York: Ktav Publishing, 1984, pp.305-324.
----- "Martin Buber and the Theory of Knowledge, in P. A. Schilpp and M. Friedman (eds.), The
Philosophy of Martin Buber. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1984, pp.133-150.
Marcel, Gabriel. "Existence and Objectivity," in T. Busch (ed.), The Participant Perspective: A
Gabriel Marcel Reader. Lanham, MD: U.P. of America, 1987.
-----"Concrete Approaches to investigating the Ontological Mystery," in K.R. Hanley (ed.). Gabriel
Marcel's Perspectives on The Broken World. Milwaukee: Marquette U.P., 1998, pp.172-209.
-----Tragic Wisdom and Beyond, trans. S. Jolin & P. McCormick. Evanston, IL: Northwestern U.P.,
-----Coleridge et Schelling. Paris: Aubier, 1971.
-----The Philosophy of Existentialism, trans. M. Harari. New York: Citadel, 1970.
-----"I and Thou," trans. by F. Williams, in P. A. Schilpp and M. Friedman (eds.), The Philosophy
of Martin Buber. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1984, pp. 41-48.
-----Problematic Man, trans. B. Thompson. New York: Herder & Herder, 1967.
-----Philosophical Fragments 1909-1914, trans. L. A. Blain. South Bend, IN: Notre Dame
-----Searchings. New York: Newman Press, 1964.
-----Creative Fidelity, trans. R. Rosthal. New York: Farrar, Strauss,1964.
-----The Existential Background of Human Dignity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U.P., 1963.
-----Three Plays. New York: Hill & Wang, 1958.
-----Royce's Metaphysics, trans. V. & G. Ringer. Chicago: Regnery, 1956.
-----The Decline of Wisdom, trans. M. Harari. London: Harvill Press, 1954.
-----Metaphysical Journal, trans. B.Wall. London: Rockliff, 1952.
-----Man Against Mass Society, trans. G.S. Fraser. Chicago: Regnery, 1952.
-----Being and Having, trans. K. Farrer. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951.
-----The Mystery of Being, 2 Vols. Chicago: Regnery, 1951. Vol. I: Reflection and Mystery, trans.
G.S. Fraser; Vol II: Faith and Reality, trans. R. Hague.
-----"Theism and Personal Relationships," Cross Currents, Vol. I, 1 (1950): 38-45.
-----Homo Viator, trans. Emma Crauford: Chicago: Regnery, 1952.
-----Presence and Immortality, trans. M. Machado and revised by H.J. Koren. Pittsburgh, PA:
Duquesne U.P., 1967. [also includes Metaphysical Journal]
-----Awakenings: Autobiography. Milwaukee: Marquette U.P., 2002.
Marcus, Paul. In Search of the Spiritual: Gabriel Marcel, Psychoanalysis and the Sacred (Karnac
Books, 2012)
Maritain, J. Existence and the Existent: An Essay on Christian Existentialism, trans. L. Galantiere
and G.B. Phelan. New York: Image, 1956.
-----The Range of Reason. New York: Charles Scribner, 1942.
-----The Degrees of Knowledge, trans. by G.B. Phelan. New York: Charles Scribner, 1959.
-----A Preface to Metaphysics. New York: Mentor, 1962.
Marsh, J.L. "Freedom, Receptivity, and God," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical
Association, Vol. 50 (1976): 82-89.
McGuire, M.B. "Religion and the Body: Rematerializing The Human Body in the Social Sciences
of Religion," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 29 (1990): 283-296.
Merleau-Ponty, M. The Primacy of Perception, trans. J.M. Edie. St. Louis, MO: Washington W.P.,
-----The Structure of Behaviour, trans. by A.L. Fisher. Boston: Beacon, 1963.
Mioeli, V.P. Ascent to Being: Gabriel Marcel's Philosophy of Communion. Paris: Desclee de
Brouwer, 1965.
-----"Gabriel Marcel: The Ascent to Being," Thought Vol. XXXVIII (1963): 395-420.
Michaud, T. "Secondary Reflection and Marcelian Anthropology," Philosophy Today, Vol. 34
(1990): 222-228.
----- “Gabriel Marcel’s Politics: Theory and Practice,”American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly,
Vol. 80.3 (2006), pp. 435-455.
-----(ed.). Gabriel Marcel and the Postmodern World. Special Marcel issue of the Bulletin de la
Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, Vol. VII (Spring 1995).
Moran, D. Gabriel Marcel. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1992.
Moore, D.J. Martin Buber: Prophet of Religious Secularism. New York: Fordham U.P., 1996.
Muyskens, J.L. The Sufficiency of Hope: the conceptual foundations of religion. Philadelphia:
Temple U.P., 1979.
Nichols, A. A Grammar of Consent: The Existence of God in Christian Tradition. South Bend, IN:
U. of Notre Dame P., 1991.
Ojara, Pius. Toward a Fuller Human Identity: A Phenomenology of Family Life, Social Harmony,
and the Recovery of the Black Self (New York: Peter Lang, 2006)
O'Malley, J.B. The Fellowship of Being: An Essay on the concept of Person in the Philosophy of
Gabriel Marcel. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966.
Oyler, D. "Proofs for the existence of God in Marcel's philosophy," Modern Schoolman, Vol. 56
(Year), pp. 217-235.
Passmore, J. Recent Philosophers. La Salle, IL.: Open Court, 1985.
Pax, C. "Homo viator as a proper name of the human person," Philosophy Today, Vol. XXXII
(1978): 338-345.
-----"Gabriel Marcel's way of creative fidelity," Philosophy Today, Vol. XIX (1975): 12-21.
-----An Existentialist Approach to God: A Study of Gabriel Marcel: The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,
-----"Philosophical reflection: Gabriel Marcel," The New Scholasticism, Vol. XXXVIII (1964):
Peccorini, F.L. Selfhood as Thinking Thought in the work of Gabriel Marcel: A New Interpretation.
New York: Mellon Press, 1987.
-----"Gabriel Marcel's pensee pensante as the ultimate reality and meaning of human existence,"
Ultimate Reality and Meaning, Vol. 8 (1985): 4-23.
Prini, P. Gabriel Marcel et la methodologie de l'inverifiable. Paris: Desclee de Brouwer, 1953.
Randall, A. The Mystery of Hope in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. New York: Mellen Press,
Reed, Teresa. "Aspects of Marcel's Essays," Renascence, Vol. LV, No. 3 (Spring 2003): 211-227.
Richardson, J. Existential Epistemology: A Heideggerian Critique of the Cartesian Project. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1986.
Ricoeur, P. Gabriel Marcel et Karl Jaspers: Philosophie du mystere et philosophie de paradox.
Paris: Editions du Temps Present, 1947.
-----"Primary and Secondary Reflection in Marcel's Thought," in T. Busch (ed.), The Participant
Perspective: A Gabriel Marcel Reader. Lanham, MD: U.P. of America, 1987, pp.308-327.
Rodick, David. “Gabriel Marcel and American Philosophy,” International Philosophical Quarterly,
Vol. 52.2 (June 2013), pp.117-130.
Rotenstreich, N. Immediacy and Its Limits: A Study in Martin Buber's Thought. Philadelphia, PA:
Harwood, 1991.
Ryan, J.K. (ed.). Twentieth Century Thinkers: Studies in the Work of Seventeen Modern
Philosophers. New York: Alba House, 1965.
Sanborn, P.F. Existentialism. New York: Pegasus, 1968.
Sartre, Jean P. Existentialism and Human Emotions, trans. by H. Barnes. New York: Citadel Press,
Schilpp, P. & Hahn, L. (eds.) The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1984.
-----& M. Friedman. The Philosophy of Martin Buber. La Salle, IL.: Open Court, 1967.
Schrader, G.A. Existential Philosophers: Kierkegaard to Merleau-Ponty. New York: McGraw Hill,
Schrag, C. Existence and Freedom: Towards an Ontology of Human Finitude. New York: Fordham
U.P., 1960.
Silberstein, L.J. Martin Buber's Social and Religious Thought. New York: New York University
Press, 1989.
Spiegelberg, H. The Phenomenological Movement: An Historical Introduction, Two Volumes. The
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1960.
Stallknecht, N.P. "Gabriel Marcel and the human situation," Review of Metaphysics, Vol. VII
(1954): 661-667.
Stewart-Robinson, C. "Philosophical Reflections on the Obligation to Attend," Philosophy Today,
Vol. 31 (1976): 54-68.
Stuart Hughes, H. "Marcel, Maritain and the Secular World," The American Scholar (Autumn
1966): 728-749.
Sweeney, L. "Existentialism: Authentic and Unauthentic," The New Scholasticism, Vol. XL (1956):
Sweetman, Brendan, The Vision of Gabriel Marcel: Epistemology, Human Person and the
Transcendent (Rodopi Press, 2008)
----- (ed.), A Gabriel Marcel Reader (St. Augustine’s Press, 2011)
-----"Marcel on God and Religious Experience, and the critique of Alston and Hick," American
Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 79 (Fall 2005).
-----"Lyotard, Postmodernism and Religion," Philosophia Christi, Vol.7, No. 1 (Spring 2005): 141-
-----"A Rational Approach to Religious Belief," in Curtis L. Hancock and Brendan Sweetman (eds),
Faith and the Life of the Intellect. Washington, D.C. AMA/Catholic University of America Press,
2003, pp.19-39.
-----"Marcel and Phenomenology: Can Literature help Philosophy?," Renascence, Vol.LV, No.3
(Spring 2003): 179-192.
-----"Gabriel Marcel: Ethics within a Christian Existentialism," in Lester Embree and John
Drummond (eds.), Phenomenological Approaches to Moral Philosophy. Dordrecht, Netherlands:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp.269-288.
-----"Martin Buber's Epistemology," International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol.XLI, No.2 (June
2001): 145-160.
-----"The Pseudo-Problem of Skepticism," in Brendan Sweetman (ed.), The Failure of Modernism.
Washington, D.C.: AMA/Catholic University of America Press, 1999, pp.228-241.
-----"Postmodernism, Derrida and Différance: A Critique," International Philosophical Quarterly
Vol.XXXIX, No.1 (March 1999): 5-18.
-----"The Deconstruction of Western Metaphysics: Derrida and Maritain on Identity," in Roman
Ciapalo (ed.), Postmodernism and Christian Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: AMA/Catholic
University of America Press, 1997, pp.230-247.
-----"Gabriel Marcel and the Problem of Knowledge," Journal of the American Society for the
Study of French Philosophy, Vol.VII. No. 1-2 (Spring 1995): 148-163.
-----"Non-conceptual knowledge in Jacques Maritain and Gabriel Marcel," in C.L. Hancock & A.O.
Simon (eds.), Freedom, Virtue, and the Common Good. South Bend, IN: University of Notre
Dame, 1995, pp.40-58.
-----"Gabriel Marcel," "Martin Buber," and "Jacques Maritain," in Trevor Hart (ed.), Dictionary of
Historical Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000.
-----"Gabriel Marcel" in Polskie Towarzystwo & Thomasza z Akwinur (eds.), Universal
Encyclopedia of Philosophy (published in Polish and English), Vol.8. Lublin, Poland: Polish
Thomas Aquinas Association, 2005, pp.808-812.
Tattam, Helen. Time in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel (London: Modern Humanities Research
Association, 2013)
Tobin, Theresa. “Toward an Epistemology of Mysticism: Knowing God as Mystery,” International
Philosophical Quarterly, Vol 50.2 (June 2010), pp. 221-241.
Traub, D.F. Toward a Fraternal Society: A study of Gabriel Marcel's Approach to Being,
Technology, and Intersubjectivity. New York: Peter Lang, 1988.
Treanor, Brian. Aspects of Alterity: Levinas, Marcel and the Contemporary Debate (Fordham,
Troisfontaines, R. De l'existence a l'etre, Two Vols. Paris: Vrin, 1953.
Tunstall, Dwayne A., Doing Philosophy Personally: Thinking about Metaphysics, Theism and
Antiblack Racism (New York: Fordham, 2013)
Wahl, J. "Freedom and existence in some recent philosophies," Philosophy & Phenomenological
Research, Vol. VIII (1947): 538-556.
Wild, J. The Challenge of Existentialism. Bloomington, IN: Indiana U.P., 1955.
Willard, D. Logic and the Objectivity of Knowledge: A Study in Husserl's Early Philosophy.
Athens: Ohio, Ohio U.P., 1984.
Williams, B. Descartes. Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1978.
Wilson, M. Descartes. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.
Wood, Robert. Martin Buber's Ontology. Evanston, IL: Northwestern U.P., 1969.
-----"Buber's Notion of Philosophy," Thought 53 (1978): 310-319.
Zaner, R.M. The Problem of Embodiment. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971.
(Complied by Dr Brendan Sweetman, Rockhurst University, Fall 2013)