Appendix I
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- About
The following information is reproduced as it appears in Gabriel Marcel's Perspectives on The
Broken World, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-87462-617-X, Series
Marquette Studies in Philosophy #18. Copyright Katharine Rose Hanley, 1998.
Page 213 Appendix I – Gabriel Marcel Biblio-Biography
1889 Born December 7 in Paris.
1893 November 15, death of his mother, born Laure Meyer, July 30,1866.
1898 His father, Henry Marcel, married Marguerite Meyer, sister of the first wife,
before going to Stockholm as ambassador. They stayed in Sweden 1898-99 until
Henry Marcel returned to Paris to fill the post of Minister of Fine Arts.
1904 Submitted to Fernand Gregh a play in the style of Ibsen that was a childish
presentiment of A Man of God.
1909 Friends at the Sorbonne with Jacques Rivière, Henri Franck, and Jean Wahl.
Degree conferred with the submission of "The Metaphysical Ideas of Coleridge
and Their Connection with the Philosophy of Schelling." Followed the lectures of
Henri Bergson,who taught at the College de France.
1910 Agrégation de philosophie.
1911 Taught at Lycée de Vendome.
19l2-13 Taught in a small private school above Lake Geneva.
1914 Began writing his Metaphysical Journal. Published his first plays: Paris, Ed.
Grasset, Le Seuil Invisible. Preface, La Grâce, Le Palais de Sable (The Invisible
Threshold: Preface, Grace, The Sand Castle). During the war, he directed a Red
Cross Center in Paris and an information service on those missing in action.
1915-18 Taught at Lycée Condorcêt in Paris.
1916-17 Metapsychical experiences.
1919 Married Jacqueline Boegner.
19l9-23 Professor at Sens.
1921 Le Coeur des Autres (Rebellious Heart) published (Théâtre: Ed.Grasset).
1922 Encounter with Charles Du Bos, whom he succeeded as editor of Plon's
Collection "Feux Croisés."
1923 Settled in Paris, 21 rue de Tournon. Worked with Nouvelle Revue Française, and
became dramatic and then literary critic for L'Europe Nouvelle. L'Iconoclaste
(The Iconoclast) published (Théâtre: Ed. Stock).
1924 Le Quatuor en fa dièse (Quartet in F#) published (Theatre: Ed.Stock). Un Homme
de Dieu (A Man of God) published.1926
1926 March 6. Death of his father, Henry Marcel, who was born November 1854.
1927 Publication of Journal Métaphysique (Metaphysical Journal) (Ed.Gallimard).
1929 Religious experience and conversion. Baptized March 23 with François Mauriac
as sponsor.
1931 Trois pièces: Le Regard neuf, Le Mort de demain, La Chapelle ardente, (Three
plays: The New Look, Tomorrow's Dead, The Votive Candle), published (Plon).
1933 Le Monde cassé (The Broken World published (Théâtre: Ed.Desclée de Brouwer),
followed by the essay "Position et approches concrètes du mystère ontologique"
("Concrete Approaches to Investigating the Ontological Mystery").
1935 Etre et avoir (Being and Having) published (Aubier).
1936 Le Chemin de crête, (Ariadne) published (Théâtre: Ed. Grasset). Le Dard (The
Sting) published (Théâtre: Ed. Plon).
1938 La Soif (Thirst) (Théâtre: Ed. Desclée de Brouwer) reprinted under the title Les
Coeurs avides (Eager Hearts) (La Table Ronde,1952).
1939-40 Taught at Lycée Louis-le-Grand.
1940 Death of Henry Marcel's second wife, Marguerite, who raised Gabriel Marcel.
Published Du Refus à l'invocation (Creative Fidelity) (Gallimard). Acquired the
Chateau de Peuch in Corrèze, where the family lived from 1941-43.
1941 Taught several months at Lycée de Montpellier.
1944 Became drama critic for Nouvelles Littéraires. Before the war he worked for
several reviews, L'Europe Nouvelle, La Nouvelle Revue Française, Sept, Temps
présent, La Vie intellectuelle, etc.
1945 L'Horizon (The Horizon) published (Theatre: Edition des Etudiants de
France). Homo Viator (Homo Viator) published (Ed. Aubier) La Metaphysique de
Royce (Royce's Metaphysics)published (Ed. Aubier).
For the years 1945 through 1947 music was at the center of creative activities.
1947 Death of his wife. Aperçus phénoménologiques sur l'être en
situation (Phenomenological Notes on Being in a Situation)(Ed. Boivin). Théâtre
Comique: Colombyre, ou le Brasier de la Paix; La Double Expertise; Les Points
sur les I; Le Divertissement posthume (Comic Theater: Colombyre, or the Torch
of Peace, The Double Expertise, Dot the I, The Posthumous Joke) (Ed. Albin
Michel). Existentialisme Chrétien (Christian Existentialism)(Ed. Plon, collection
Présences in collaboration with Etienne Gilson, Jeanne Delhomme, Roger
Troisfontaines, Pierre Colin, J.-P Dubois-Dumée).
1948 Directed a UNESCO conference at Beyrouth.
1949 Received the Grand Prize for Literature from the French Academy.
Published Vers un autre Royaume: L'Emissaire; Le Signe de la croix (Toward
Another World: The Emissary, The Sign of the Cross) (Théâtre: Ed. Plon).
Delivered the Gifford Lectures at University of Aberdeen, Scotland, The Mystery
of Being, I. Reflection and Mystery, II. Faith and Reality.
1950 La Fin des temps (The End of Time) Théâtre: Réalités.
1951 Le Mystère de l'être (The Mystery of Being) 2 vols. (Aubier). Rome n'est plus dans
Rome (Rome Is No Longer in Rome) (Théâtre: Ed. de la Table Ronde). Les
Hommes contre l'humain (Man Against Mass Society) (Ed. La Colombe). Travel
in North Africa, then in South America.
1952 Elected a Member of the Institute of France, Academy of Political and Moral
1953 Le Declin de la sagesse (The Decline of Wisdom) (Ed. Plon).
1954 L'Homme problematique (Problematic Man) (Ed. Aubier).
1955 Mon temps nest pas le Votre (My Time Is Not Your Time) (Théâtre: Ed. Plon).
Croissez et multipliez (Théâtre: Ed. Plon). Multipliez (Increase and
Multiply) (Théâtre: Ed. Plon).
1956 Received the Goethe Prize from the city of Hamburg, conferred in Germany to
one who fosters a supranational spirit and work in favor of humanity.
1956-66 Numerous trips to the United States and Canada and to Japan, where he was
received by the emperor.
1958 Received the National Grand Prize for Literature. La Dimension Florestan, "Le
Crepuscule du sens commun" (The Florestan Dimension, "The Twilight of
Common Sense") (Ed. Plon).
1959 Présence et immortalité (Presence and Immortality) (Ed.Flammarion). L'Heure
Théâtrale (The Theater Hour) (Ed. Plon).
1960 La Prune et la prunelle (The Plum and the Apple of My Eye) (L'Avant scène).
1961 Delivered the William James Lectures at Harvard University: The Existential
Background of Human Dignity.
1963 Received the Osiris Prize. The Existential Background of Human Dignity,
Harvard University Press,1964.
1964 Received the Frankfurt Peace Prize, conferred by German editors, publishers, and
book dealers. Auf der Suche nach Wahrheit und Gerechtigteit, (Searchings) ed.
Wolfgang Ruf, Freiburg im Bresgau, Verlag Knecht. Regards sur le théâtre de
Claudel (Reviews of Paul Claudel's Theater) (Ed. Beauchesne).
1965 Delivered the opening discourse at the Salzburg Music Festival. Paix sur la
terre (Peace on Earth) (Ed. Aubier). Lectures in the United States.
1967 Le Secret est dans les Isles (The Secret Is in the Isles) (Ed. Plon).
1968 Entretiens Paul Ricoeur, Gabriel Marcel (Conversations Between Paul Ricoeur
and Gabriel Marcel) (Ed. Aubier).
1969 Received the Erasmus Prize. "An Autobiographical Essay" in The Philosophy of
Gabriel Marcel, La Salle, Open Court, 1984. Visited Dresden and Prague.
1971 Le Siècle à venir (The Century to Come) Fondation Roland de Jouvenel. Pour une
sagesse tragique et son au-delà (Tragic Wisdom and Beyond)(Ed. Plon). En
chemin, vers quel eveil? (En Route Toward What an Awakening?) (Ed.
Gallimard). Coleridge et Schelling (Coleridge and Schelling) (Ed. Aubier).
1972 Received the Dignity of the Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit of the
Legion of Honor, of which he was already an Officer and a Commander.
1973 Percées vers un ailleurs (Breakthrough Toward a Beyond) (Ed. Fayard). Cinq
Pieces Majeures (Five Major Plays) (Ed. Plon). Colloquium at Cerisy la Salle,
International Cultural Center, Aug. 24-31, 1973, discussing his theater and
1973 October 8. Died in Paris.
1975 Foundation of an international association, Présence de Gabriel Marcel, which
includes his family, friends, and associates and continues the study of his work.
Address: 21 rue de Tournon, 75006 Paris, France.
1976 Entretiens autour de Gabriel Marcel (Conversations Around Gabriel Marcel)
(Neuchâtel, à la Baconnière). Proceedings of 1973 international colloquium on the
Theater and Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, published with the sponsorship of the
European Cultural Foundation.
1978 Gabriel Marcel interrogé par Pierre Boutang (Gabriel Marcel Interviewed by
Pierre Boutang) (Archives du XXe Siecle). Paris, Editions J.-M. Place, 1978.
Followed by a reprinting of "Position et approches concrètes du mystère
ontologique" ("Concrete Approaches to Investigating the Ontological Mystery").
1981 L'Existence et La Liberté Humaine chez Jean-Paul Sartre, (Existence and Human
Liberty according to Jean-Paul Sartre) (originally published in Les Grands Appels
de l'Homme Contemporain (Great Challenges for Contemporary Man), Editions
du Temps Présent, 1946) Précedé d'une presentation de Denis Huisman, "Gabriel
Marcel Lecteur et Juge de Jean-Paul Sartre" (Preceded by Denis Huisman's
Presentation, Gabriel Marcel Reader and Judge of Jean-Paul Sartre). Paris,
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1981.
Sources for Biographic and Biblio-Biographic Information:
Troisfontaines, Roger, S.J., De L'Existence à L'Etre, La Philosphie de Gabriel Marcel. Paris:
Beatrice Nauwelaerts-Vrin, 2 vols., 1953, 2e ed. 1968.
Louis Chaigne, Vie et oevres d'écrivains (Life and Works of Writers), Vol. 4, F. Lanore, 1954,
pp. 183-201.
Jeanne Parain-Vial, Gabriel Marcel et les niveaux de I'experience (Gabriel Marcel and the
Levels of Experience) (Seghers, 1966), Biblio-biographie, pp. 99-107.
Lapointe, Francis H. and Lapointe, Claire C. Gabriel Marcel and His Critics. Works by and
about Gabriel Marcel, pp. 9-273. New York: Garland Publishing Co., 1977.
Gabriel Marcel interrogé par Pierre Boutang (Gabriel Marcel Interviewed by Pierre Boutang)
(J.-M. Place Ed., 1978), p. 116.
Katharine Rose Hanley, Dramatic Approaches to Creative Fidelity: A Study in the Theater and
Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973), Lanham, MD): University Press of America, 1987,
pp. 173-83, Cf. also pp. 184-201, 211-18.
Autobiographical information may be found in:
"An Essay in Autobiography," in The Philosophy of Existentialism, Secaucus,NJ:Citadel Press,
1956, pp.104-28.
"An Autobiographical Essay," (Spring 1969) in The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. (The Library
of Living Philosophers Vol.XVII), ed. Paul A. Schilpp and Lewis E. Hahn, La Salle, IL:Open
Court, 1984, pp. 3-68.
Marcel, Gabriel. En Chemin vers Quel Eveil?. Paris:Gallimard, 1971.