Rockhurst University encourages all faculty, staff and students to be engaged citizens by voting and participating in election activity as their interests lead them. Because the University is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code, it must abide by federal regulations that restrict it from endorsing any candidate for political office at any level.
As such, Rockhurst University has policies to ensure that faculty and staff make it clear they do not represent the University when endorsing candidates, that govern signage on campus, and that specify how political candidates can be invited to campus, just to name a few examples.
Faculty, staff and students should familiarize themselves with relevant policies so they don’t inadvertently jeopardize the University’s nonprofit status while exercising their rights and responsibilities as private citizens.
University Political and Campaign Activity Policy
Student Policies
The Student Handbook contains:
- Partisan Political Activities: Student Policy and Guidelines. This covers political signage on campus (including in residences), use of student activity fee funds, requests for the appearance of a candidate on campus and more.
- Political and Campaign Activity Policy. This covers candidacy for office, University-sponsored political debates and forums, University lobbying and more.
- Free Assembly Within the Rockhurst Community. This covers regulations meant to ensure orderly, responsible protest activities.
- Official Policy on Outside Speakers. This covers procedures for inviting external speakers to campus.
Faculty Policies
The Faculty Handbook, which is posted on the intranet, contains:
- Academic Freedom Definition
- Official Policy on the Invitation of Outside Speakers to Campus. This covers procedures for inviting external speakers to campus.
- Official Statement on the Right to Free Assembly on the RU Campus. This covers regulations meant to ensure orderly, responsible protest activities.
The Employee Handbook, which is posted on the intranet, contains:
- Political and Campaign Activity. This includes information for both faculty and staff, including the need to clearly state that their endorsements and actions are their own and not those of the University.
Staff Policies
The Employee Handbook, which is posted on the intranet, contains:
- Political and Campaign Activity. This includes information for both faculty and staff, including the need to clearly state that their endorsements and actions are their own and not those of the University.
The Faculty Handbook, which is posted on the intranet, contains the following, which also apply to staff:
- Official Policy on the Invitation of Outside Speakers to Campus. This covers procedures for inviting external speakers to campus.
- Official Statement on the Right to Free Assembly on the RU Campus. This covers regulations meant to ensure orderly, responsible protest activities.