Katie Fischer Clune

Katie Fischer Clune headshot
Associate Professor of Communication
Associate Dean for Operations & Administration
College of Business and Technology
Arrupe Hall 207

Additional Positions 

Interim Chair of Management, Marketing, and Leadership


Ph.D. Communication Studies, University of Kansas
M.B.A. Executive Fellows Program, Rockhurst University
M.A. Journalism, University of Missouri
B.A. Industrial Relations, Rockhurst University


Katie Fischer Clune, Ph.D., is an associate professor of communication. She teaches courses in journalism, advertising, public relations and communication. She has three specific goals for each classroom she enters: to create a safe, collaborative learning environment; to focus on active learning; and to promote and facilitate critical thinking.

Clune is also director of the University's honors program. She works with the program's 200 students to help them pursue their intellectual curiosity, engage in active learning, develop their critical thinking skills, excel in oral and written expression and deepen their love of learning.

Her research agenda consists of two broad areas. The first is the intersection of gender, communication and leadership, and the second is the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Prior to teaching, Clune was a writer and editor in the public relations field for several years. She is a proud Rockhurst University alumna. She, her husband, Matt, and their three young children live in Kansas City's Brookside area.