One of the hardest parts about college is knowing what to do when you’re out of class and done with your work. Well, you have a lot of options, and we’re here to help you out with some of them.
Get a job. One of the best things you can do for your future is getting some work experience now. This is going to help create a nice savings account for you and can even be put towards your college tuition. Having good and recent work to put on your resume is also great for your post-grad job search. This doesn’t have to be a paying job either, as many campus offices take on interns to give you relevant experience in the field you’re looking to enter.
Join an organization. Another resume booster that’s also great for your social life is getting involved in campus activities. From fraternities and sororities to student government, intramural athletics, and special interest clubs, there are so many ways to find a great group of people to be around. These groups also help out around the community, both on campus and off. Making friends isn’t easy in college, and joining a group is a fantastic way to meet new people who are interested in the same things you are too.
Get out of your dorm. Feeling bored while watching through your favorite show for the umpteenth time under a blanket covered in crumbs might be a sign that you should get out a bit. Take a walk around campus, head to the gym, or even take a ride downtown. A change of scenery does wonders for your mental state, and you might find your new favorite place to head to in town.
Explore the student organizations at Rockhurst and what you can do around campus in Kansas City.