True Blue for RU

Rockhurst University alumni and friends supporting scholarships for students

The True Blue for RU Movement

Rockhurst University alumni know the experience of a Catholic, Jesuit education at Rockhurst is a transformational one.

You know firsthand that a Rockhurst education means opportunity. For our current talented students, Rockhurst is a pivotal stepping-stone to lifelong success.

The need for scholarships has never been greater, especially for the 96% of Rockhurst students who need financial assistance. Student programs and scholarships are the priority for this year. Join the True Blue for RU movement and stand alongside our students with complete confidence that the greater good is unlimited.

Make Your Scholarship Gift!

Scholarships open the door for a brighter future – one filled with leadership, learning and service to your community. Rockhurst graduates are ready to make a difference in their community and their world. Scholarships provide a crucial path for so many to this one-of-a-kind opportunity. Through the True Blue for RU Movement, you can change the lives of future generations of RU students by supporting scholarships.

Your gift of any size today can make a difference in the lives of RU students.

Double Your Impact!

The True Blue for RU Movement is about the impact we can have together on the RU community. Rockhurst will match gifts of $8,000-12,000, providing up to $24,000 total in financial aid to our brightest students.

"Rockhurst is an inspiring learning environment, and the degree I’m working on will open many doors. We are people for and with others in the Jesuit tradition, and I now know how to have conversations with respect, gratitude, generosity, and love. Your gifts to Rockhurst make all the difference. Join our movement today with a donation and become True Blue for RU.
–Tori Julian, Class of 2025 Exercise Science, PT Track

What's Your Word?

Inspiring. Transformational. Challenging. We’ve been asking the RU community to describe their experience with Rockhurst using just one word (It’s not easy, we know!). Join the True Blue for RU Movement today and share the word that describes RU’s impact for you.

Chris Stibbs, ’16, CFRE
Vice President of Development, Newhouse KC
Tierra Johnson, ‘06
RU Director of Operations and Technology, Financial Services
Patti Ehrnman, Class of 2025
Major: Elementary Education
Member: Women’s Soccer Team
Marney Donnelly Sherman, ’75; Jan Holland Stacy, ’76; and Sue Thornhill Sweeney, ‘76
RU McGee Hall Roommates
Diego Guiterrez, ‘05
Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing
RU College of Business & Technology
Parent of Javier, Class of 2025
Nancy Creasy, ‘84
Founding Benefactor of Grandma’s Pantry at RU
Chair of the University Board of Trustees