COVID-Related Updates for This Week
Rockhurst Student, Faculty and Staff Companions,
As we prepare to leave for Thanksgiving break, we’re sharing our final COVID-19 numbers update for this year. Numbers remain at a manageable level and we have no evidence that the virus has been transmitted in the academic setting. Please take a moment to read the following important reminders.
Important Reminders
- During the break, students who have symptoms or who are in close contact with someone who is COVID positive should file Illness & Exposure Reports if they are on campus for classes and/or housing, if they anticipate returning to campus within two weeks (housing and/or classes) after the week away for Thanksgiving, or if they need our assistance in some way. If they are in close contact with a COVID positive person, symptomatic, and/or COVID positive away from Rockhurst and don’t anticipate returning before the end of an isolation or quarantine period, then there is no need for them to file a report.
- As we look ahead to the beginning of the spring semester, please mark your calendar for two weeks prior to your return to campus. This is when you should ramp up your adherence to COVID-prevention protocols, including avoiding travel, dense or large gatherings; wearing a face mask; maintaining at least six feet of distance between yourself and others; frequent hand washing with hot water and soap; and completing Campus Clear every morning. Be sure to monitor your Rockhurst email account during break for updates.
- During Thanksgiving break (Nov. 23-27) and Christmas break (Dec. 24 – Jan. 1) buildings on the Troost campus will only be accessible by swiping your Rockhurst ID; the Westport campus will be accessible only to employees using swipe cards. During all other times when the university is open for business, Massman Hall will be open with no swipe necessary during regular business hours, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and all other buildings will require swipe-card access.
- You can find a summary of Rockhurst University operational hours during break and between academic sessions here, including Grandma’s Pantry, which will remain open.
- You can use this calculator to determine the risk involved with various activities by state and county.
Positive and Quarantined Cases
We are currently Level 3 (Orange) out of four levels, which simply means there is one or more active cases on campus.
The number of Kansas City community infections this week is similar to last week (6,873 new cases) and the percent of available ICU beds increased slightly (17% to 20%). Within our RU community, there were decreases or stabilization on the Troost campus within our undergraduate population and in residence halls, while undergraduate cases on the Westport campus, graduate students, and faculty and staff cases have increased.
As of Nov. 17
Troost Campus |
Undergraduate Students |
Graduate Students |
Employees |
Total Population |
1520 |
774 |
414 |
Active Positive Cases/percentage |
16/1.1%* |
6/0.8% |
3/0.7% |
Quarantined/percentage |
52/3.4% |
31/4.0% |
6/1.4% |
Westport Campus |
Undergraduate Students |
Graduate Students |
Employees |
Total Population |
551 |
110 |
87 |
Active Positive Cases/percentage |
3/0.5% |
0/0% |
1/% |
Quarantined/percentage |
13/2.4% |
0/0% |
1/1.1% |
*Nine of the undergraduate positive cases are in University residential facilities. The number of beds available on campus for isolation is 45 and the number of occupied beds is 11.
- COVID Active: tested positive for COVID; isolated
- Quarantined: had close contact with a COVID-positive person; possibly being tested
- Close Contact: You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period; You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19; You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them); You shared eating or drinking utensils; They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you
During this final week of face-to-face instruction for most students, we have so much to be thankful for. At the top of our list is the Rockhurst community and those who have worked so hard to ensure that we could complete our semester as planned. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and stay safe during break!
Matthew D. Quick, Ph.D.
Dean of Students/Vice President
Student Development and Athletics
Douglas N. Dunham, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President
Academic Affairs