“Born Blue: The Diary of Blue Cat” to Debut at Rockhurst’s Plays-in-Progress Workshop
“Born Blue: The Diary of Blue Cat,” a one-act play by Kansas City playwright Frank Higgins, has been selected as the winner of the fall 2013 Plays-in-Progress Workshop play-writing contest. The play will be read at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, in Sedgwick Hall, room 115.
“Born Blue” lay tells the tale of a blue cat who discovers that life and love can be hard for a cat of a different color. Will she survive being blue?
Rockhurst Theater Director Susan Proctor, Ph.D. will direct and Rockhurst students will read from scripts. Original songs including “Born Blue,” and “How to Make a Mouse,” make this an evening that can be enjoyed by audience members of all ages.
Frank Higgins’ plays have been performed in theaters throughout the country. His play “Black Pearl Sings!” had its start as a Rockhurst University Plays-in-Progress Workshop winner. It later was produced with Tony-winner Tonya Pinkins. Higgins is the author of two books of poetry and two books of haiku and is a member of the Dramatists Guild.
The Plays-in-Progress Workshop conducts two play-writing contests each academic year. The public is invited to submit manuscripts that have neither been given a public reading nor been performed on stage. The winning manuscript will be read before an audience that will assessthe creative work.
Sedgwick Hall is located on Rockhurst University’s campus at 54th Street and Troost Avenue. Refreshments will be provided; donations will be accepted at the door. For more information, call 816-501-4607 or go to rockhurst.edu/artsandletters.