"Wisdom has Built Herself a Home"
Each fall, Rockhurst launches a celebration of one of the University’s six Jesuit core values that lasts throughout the academic year. Wisdom is the core value for the 2015-2016 academic year.
The Latin phrase sapientia aedificavit sibi domum, a paraphrased version of Proverbs 9:1, translates to “wisdom has built herself a home.” The Jesuit core value of wisdom denotes the integration of faith and reason in the pursuit of a more complete understanding of all aspects of God’s universe. As the bedrock of the Rockhurst University mission and education, wisdom is more than the accumulation of knowledge — it instructs us how to use knowledge to better the world around us. Wisdom means using the mind as well as the heart in the process of learning.
The value of wisdom is reflected not only in the values and curriculum of Rockhurst, but also in the University’s newest addition, Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Hall. The new building is designed to express the concept of wisdom, featuring a seven-panel installation artwork by artist Anne Lindberg that evokes the seven pillars of knowledge mentioned in the Proverbs passage that served as the inspiration for the core value through representation of the phases of water.
The Rockhurst University Office of Mission and Ministry helps incorporate, guide and maintain the University’s Ignatian heritage, Jesuit mission and values and Catholic identity through programming that engages the entire University community. Visit the Mission and Ministry page to learn more about the Jesuit core values and the programs offered throughout the year.