COVID-19 RU Resources for Hawks!
Dear Students, below are two important reminders for you as we anticipate move-in this week. . .
Campus Clear App
As we work toward a safe return to campus for all of our companions, Rockhurst University is introducing Campus Clear, a mobile app available now for free for both Android and iPhone, as a tool to facilitate daily self-assessments.
Once downloaded, users will sign in using their Rockhurst University email. Campus Clear will send a notification at 7:45 a.m. each day (make sure you have notifications turned on) prompting users to take a short COVID-19 self-assessment. Those not experiencing symptoms and who do not report exposure with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 will see a green screen at the end of their assessment, indicating they are considered clear to enter public spaces on campus. Those who are experiencing just one lower level COVID-10 symptom will receive a yellow screen. Anyone who sees this yellow screen should inform their faculty member (for classes that day), their work supervisor (for work study or other positions on campus that day), and stay home to see if the symptoms continue into the next day (there is no need to submit additional information on the COVID-19 illness reporting form). Those who report symptoms associated with or who have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 will receive a red screen. Anyone who sees this red screen should inform their faculty members and supervisor, fill out the University’s COVID-19 illness reporting form, and stay home as they await further instructions. As you are answering the daily questions, please do not answer yes if the symptoms are from a known or diagnosed existing medical condition (such as allergies).
Faculty, staff and students will all be required to complete a Campus Clear assessment each day as a “fast pass” to access campus public spaces – whether or not you plan to be on campus that day. For questions about Campus Clear, please reach out Jason Riordan or Marcia Ladage copied on this email. Our thanks to Creighton University for bringing forward this daily assessment solution at no cost to Rockhurst University or its users.
Eight Musts Do’s As You Return to the Rock!
It is a privilege to be on campus in person. Don’t blow it by breaking the rules and forcing the University to go back to remote classes only. . .
- Wear a mask. Make sure it covers your nose and mouth. Only take it off to eat, drink, and exercise.
- Stay six feet from others, even when wearing a mask or when you are outside.
- Download the Campus Clear app and self-monitor your health each day. If you get a red screen, file a COVID-19 Illness Reporting Form.
- Follow restricted visitor policies in residential facilities – only residents of a building or housing unit are allowed; outside guests are allowed in residence hall lobbies when wearing a mask and socially distanced; four people maximum in a residence hall room at any time.
- Avoid large social gatherings - and crowded bars and restaurants. Wear your mask and observe social distancing even when you are not on campus.
- Politely ask others to follow the rules. If they persist in non-compliance, please submit a report if you know the person’s name (Policy Violation Form) or if you don’t call Security (816-501-4010).
- Take your own personal health seriously – drinks lots of water, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and attend to your emotional and spiritual health. If you haven’t already, download the Sanvello app on your iPhone or Android device.
- Visit for more detailed information.
Any students found in violation of health and safety protocols are subject to the student code of conduct. Follow the rules and stay safe!
P.S. Many thanks to Physical Therapy Professors Christina Wisdom and Rachel Burriesci for the creation of these short and helpful YouTube videos on a variety of COVID-19 safety tips!
What Not To Do With a Face Mask
Eating and Drinking With a Face Mask
How to Use Wipe-Off Disinfectant Spray