Return to the Rock — Important Fall Updates
Rockhurst Student Companions,
Now that we are drawing closer to the beginning of the fall semester, we want to provide a number of reminders and helpful tips to assist you as you prepare to start class and, for some of you, to move to campus. Please carefully read through the following information and contact us if you have any questions.
Before You Come to Campus
- Now is the time to begin preparing to come to campus. At least two weeks before you arrive, you should start diligently exercising protocols to safeguard your health.
- Practice physical distancing by keeping six feet of space between yourself and others outside your family group.
- When out in public, wear a facial covering when you are in indoor spaces or outdoors when you cannot practice physical distancing. Also avoid large crowds or events.
- Make every effort to avoid unneeded travel, especially to areas considered “hot spots”.
- If you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or provided care to someone who has COVID-19, you are required to self-quarantine for two weeks to prevent spread of the coronavirus. You should not come to campus prior to the completion of this quarantine period.
- If you are exhibiting any signs of COVID-19 prior to coming to campus, you should delay your arrival and consult with your medical provider.
- Complete routine business transactions, such as settling any business with student accounts or financial aid ( before coming to campus to reduce the number of people standing in lines.
- You can also complete the vaccination history form and TB screen (new students) and insurance waiver online (all full-time students) before you come to campus. Both can be found at this link. Please note that both of these forms are unrelated to COVID-19 and that completing them is a requirement.
- Be sure to check your Rockhurst email account regularly so you won’t miss any important information.
- Visit our Return to the Rock web page for a round-up of important information about our fall semester.
Keeping Our Community Safe
- Be ready to do your part to practice and promote healthy habits, both on and off campus this fall. When you wear a facial covering, practice physical distancing and avoid large gatherings, the chances for spread of COVID-19 are greatly diminished and the chances that we will be able to complete our academic year together in person are greatly increased.
- Become familiar with the symptoms of COVID-19 and be prepared to report any new or unexplained symptoms to the University by completing this form.
- Shortness of Breath
- Cough
- Fever (100.4 or greater)
- Chills
- Fatigue
- Muscle Aches / Pain
- Headache
- Sore Throat
- Congestion or Runny Nose
- Nausea / Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- New Loss of Taste or Smell
- One of our University’s Jesuit core values is “cura personalis,” which means “care for the whole person.” We expect all students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus to follow the same COVID-19 prevention protocols. If you are concerned that someone is showing blatant disregard for the health of our community, you can bring that to our attention by using this policy violation form.
- All students will be required to complete a brief online tutorial about our health and safety protocols prior to coming to campus and no later than Aug. 10. This will be emailed to you from RUReady2Return. Please watch for the email and know that it is not spam but an important requirement.
- Please check your revised fall 2020 schedules in Rockweb if you have not already done so as directed in the email sent July 17. This will ensure you know the modalities of all your courses (i.e., face-to-face, hybrid, online, etc.). You will find additional information attached to this message.
- Remember that Canvas will be used as a primary source of communication with your faculty. Watch for an announcement prior to the first week of classes from each instructor with information related to course modality and meeting times for face-to-face and online synchronous class sessions.
- Make sure you are ready for class by having all of your materials before the first day of class. Place your order for books on the bookstore website based on your class schedule. Stay socially distant and have your books shipped to your home for free. In-store pick up is also available; you will receive an email stating your order is ready for pick up, so you can pop in when you have time.
- If you have medical needs that involve a specific schedule delivery type for your fall courses please submit that request to our Disabilities Resource Center by completing this form. If you have questions or concerns about the form, please email Accommodations are determined on an individualized basis and may take some time to put in place, so early notification to DRC is helpful. More information is available here.
On-campus Housing
- Be sure to pack lightly, bringing only essential items, and avoid bringing large pieces of furniture. Due to COVID-19 transmission concerns, Rockhurst is unable to offer the traditional move-in assistance for first-year students that we are famous for – so make things easier for yourself as well as up to two family members who may join you. Also, bringing fewer items will be helpful should the pandemic alter our plans and students are asked to return home to finish the semester remotely.
- Please follow your assigned move-in time that was sent in your room assignment letter. We created a detailed move-in schedule intended to minimize contact with others and if everyone follows the schedule, the process will be safer and run more smoothly. If you arrive at an unscheduled time, you may be asked to wait before moving in.
- We have spent the summer working to enhance wellness and safety measures in our residence halls. The following information includes highlights of our efforts:
- Residence halls will be open at normal capacity, but adjustments will be made to promote social distancing requirements in shared areas.
- Furniture has been moved out of common spaces in residence halls to promote social distancing.
- Residence life and facilities staff have also taken the following extra efforts to mitigate opportunities for spread:
- Installed signage in bathrooms that only every other sink be used.
- Exhaust fans have been set to run 24 hours a day to maximize air circulation in shared bathroom spaces.
- Two dry hydrogen peroxide units will be added to each wing or floor of the University’s residence halls to help sanitize and remove contaminants — a measure approved for efficacy by MRI Global.
- Added cleaning staff in all residence halls. As a result, each hall will have cleaning staff on site from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week, a significant increase from normal coverage. Bathrooms will be deep cleaned each night seven days a week and will be disinfected no fewer than an additional two times per day using an electrostatic sprayer. Cleaning staff will also use an electrostatic sprayer in stairwells and common areas.
- Residence Life staff have set aside rooms to isolate those who have COVID-19 and are unable to return home for treatment and recuperation as well as rooms to quarantine symptomatic individuals who may be awaiting COVID-19 test results. Those residents who have had close contact (exposure under 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with a COVID-19 positive person and have no symptoms will be asked to quarantine in their assigned living unit and monitor their health closely.
- There will be guest limitations for each residential building and unit. The specifics of these will be included in future Residence Life communications.
- Students who have medical conditions that place them at greater risk may request disability accommodation from the residential living requirement (i.e. freshmen and sophomores) through the Disability Resource Center (see contact information above).
We are looking forward very much to having our returning students on campus again, and we send a special welcome to all of our new students and families. We know that this fall will be different but with careful planning and adherence to safety measures, we believe that it can also be a rewarding and productive one. See you soon, Hawks!
Matthew D. Quick, Ph.D.
Dean of Students/Vice President
Student Development and Athletics
Douglas N. Dunham, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President
Academic Affairs