Emanuel Cleaver Visits Rockhurst University Class
Political science students at Rockhurst University were offered a unique glimpse into the life of a U.S. congressman when Missouri’s Fifth District representative Emanuel Cleaver II gave a special presentation to the U.S. Congress Class on Friday, Sept. 16. The fourth-term congressman discussed a wide range of hot-button issues.
“This was a very exciting day for me,” said Matthew Beverlin, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of political science. “I invite elected officials to my class to unveil the mystery. Students can listen to them on the radio or watch them on TV, but there’s something so powerful about seeing them in person. I want them to know they can think big, run for office, and do amazing things when they’re involved in public service.”
Cleaver spoke for about an hour and a half to nearly 30 Rockhurst students about his start in public service, the state of Social Security and Medicare. However, he focused the majority of his lecture on the necessity of civility. As a minister and member of Congress, Cleaver said he hopes for the day when people can get past their differences in public policy and treat one another with respect.
Beverlin extends a special thanks to Kaeanna Wood, ’10, congressional staffer for Cleaver, for helping to arrange the visit.