University Daily Update - April 6
Rockhurst University Daily Update
April 6
Rockhurst University Companions,
We hope that you were able to enjoy some time of relaxation and renewal this weekend. As we look ahead to Easter break this weekend, we hope you find the following information useful as we continue on this journey together.
Easter Break Schedule
There will be no classes this Friday, April 10, or Monday, April 13, in observance of Good Friday and Easter weekend. University offices will be closed Friday. Please see the schedule for Holy Week liturgies below.
Coping With COVID-19 Anxiety
The Counseling Center recommends “Top 10 COVID-19 Anxiety Reduction Strategies,” an article by Ken Goodman, LCSW, posted by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
Illness Reporting
Students, faculty and staff members are asked to report to the University when you are under investigation for having COVID-19, you are presumed positive with a case of COVID-19, or you have a laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 (see definitions below).
- Person under investigation: Any person who is under investigation for having the virus that causes COVID-19, or who was under investigation but tested negative for the virus.
- Presumptive positive case of COVID-19: Anyone who has tested positive for the virus, but testing was conducted at the local or state level. Currently, presumptive positive cases must have a sample undergo confirmatory testing at the CDC.
- Laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19: Anyone who has tested positive for the virus at the CDC laboratory.
Please report your status by sending an email to IllnessReport@Rockhurst.Edu. The University will contact you by phone to learn some additional details about your situation and arrange for follow-up. The intent of this information sharing is twofold:
- First, it is our desire to care for our fellow companions during this challenging time.
- Second, the University has a desire to take reasonable steps to notify individuals from the Rockhurst community who may have been exposed – and also do a deeper cleaning of any spaces that you may have occupied while infected.
Our follow-up process with those who might make a report to us has been reviewed, approved, and applauded by the Kansas City Department of Health. Only a limited number of RU staff members will have access to the information that is shared with us on a need-to-know basis – the proper and respectful use of your personal information is important to us.
Virtual Success Sessions
Starting this week and lasting until finals begin, we offer you “Career Tip Tuesdays” and “Snacks and Strategies Thursdays.” Sessions will begin at 2 p.m. and last 30 minutes. Sessions will be recorded and then shared for those who weren’t able to join us live. For a Zoom link, email
Career Tip Tuesdays include:
Linking with LinkedIn
April 7, 2020
During these challenging times, making professional connections is even more essential. Gain insight into how LinkedIn can assist you with your career exploration and develop connections as you start professional journey.
Rockin’ Your Resume
April 14, 2020
Creating a resume doesn’t have to be intimidating. Join us for some quick tips to help you get started or ideas that may help you add to what you’ve already got. Things like formatting and keywords can make all the difference. Rockin’ your resume is the first step on the path to a great career!
Internships: The Real Story
April 21, 2020
Join us for this spotlight on the real world of internships, sponsored in partnership with Delta Sigma Pi and featuring special student co-host, Rachel Larberg. Rachel will share the ins and outs of hunting for internships and balancing work, school, and personal life. Come ready with questions!
Interview 101 … In Person, Phone & Zoom
April 28, 2020
Interviewing is your first opportunity to make that positive, professional impression face to face. Preparation is the key to your interview success. Learn what types of interviews you will encounter and gain strategies to present yourself in a polished and professional manner.
Elevating Your Elevator Pitch
May 5, 2020
You have 30 seconds to sell yourself – GO! Are you ready to “pitch” yourself in that amount of time? Do you know what to say when people ask, “Tell me about yourself?” Join us for a fun anytime the opportunity arises to sell the very best version of yourself.
Snacks and Strategies Thursdays include:
How to Marie Kondo your remote world
April 9, 2020
Have all the changes turned your world upside down? Are you trying to figure out which professor wants what? Afraid of missing deadlines? Come learn some tricks to help you organize or share with your fellow students what has worked for you. We are all in this together!
Making technology work for you
April 16, 2020
Feel like you spend all your time online and that your email and Canvas are you newest friends? Find out how to maximize these tools and more to help you be successful. We will even have suggestions for creating virtual study groups or accountability groups.
Strategies to Keep You Motivated when you just don’t want to be
April 23, 2020
“A goal is a dream with a deadline” Napoleon Hill
Having trouble staying focused? Lost your desire to log off Netflix and onto Zoom? Did you start this virtual life super energized and motivated, but found yourself losing steam? Let’s get together and talk about ways to write goals, and stay laserfocused on your success for the last few weeks.
Don’t Cram, Plan!
April 30, 2020
Is prepping for finals normally daunting, let alone during a pandemic? Join this session to learn how to create a five-day study plan that will help you feel prepared for those finals and learn how other students prepare for their finals.
Mission Moment
Holy Week Schedule
The KC Jesuit Community will celebrate Mass at the following times on their YouTube channel during Holy Week:
Palm Sunday, April 5, 10:30 a.m.
Monday, April 6, through Wednesday, April 8, 5:15 p.m.
Holy Thursday, April 9, 7:30 p.m.
Good Friday, April 10, 3 p.m.
Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 12, 10:30 a.m.
Matthew D. Quick, Ph.D.
Vice President & Dean of Students
Crisis Management Co-Chair
Randy Hopkins
Chief of Security
Crisis Management Co-Chair