plainsight plainspoken opens
Greenlease Gallery presents “Plainsight, Plainspoken,” a two-person exhibition featuring the works of artists Corey Antis and Anna Neighbor. The exhibition opens with a 6:30 p.m. talk by the artists followed by a 7-9 p.m. reception Friday, March 30, in the Greenlease Gallery.
Both Antis, a painter, and Neighbor, a multimedia artist, utilize traditional and non-traditional materials. Working in a minimalist capacity, Antis and Neighbor invite the viewer to consider how material, time and experience can be engaged while viewing these works.
Antis’ works reaffirm painting’s potential to transform the familiar into the uncanny. He earned his bachelor’s degrees in English and painting at Cornell University before completing a master’s degree in painting at Tyler School of Art at Temple University. Antis teaches painting at the Kansas City Art Institute.
Neighbor uses rubbings, imprints, photography, videos, mirrors and simple drawings to address existence in light of mortality. She earned a bachelor’s degree in painting at the Kansas City Art Institute and a bachelor’s degree in photography at the Tyler School of Art. She is an adjunct photography professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Moore College of Art and Design and Rowan University.
The Greenlease Gallery is located between Van Ackeren and Sedgwick halls on the Rockhurst University campus, 54th Street and Troost Avenue. The exhibition continues through May 12. The gallery is open to the public from noon to 5 p.m. Thursday – Saturday. For more information, contact Greenlease Gallery Director at 816-501-4407.