COVID-Related Updates for This Week
Rockhurst Student, Faculty and Staff Companions,
We remain cautiously optimistic about the COVID-19 case numbers locally and on campus, and the amount of vaccine available is slowly increasing. Please continue to adhere to pandemic protocols and get vaccinated when you are able.
Important Reminders
- Thank you to everyone who completed the vaccine survey. If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to do so now. It should take less than five minutes and will give us a better idea of the percentage of our campus population that intends to get vaccinated.
- Spectators are allowed at all outdoor athletics events on campus as long as social distancing and mask wearing protocols are followed. For a full schedule, visit
- If you are planning to personally travel within the U.S., we would ask that you keep the following recommendations in mind:
- Don’t travel if you are feeling ill.
- If you are going somewhere in a plane, train or bus, please double mask.
- Use Campus Clear daily to be aware of your physical state and evaluate any symptoms you may be experiencing.
- Social distance, wash your hands and use hand sanitizer regularly.
- Avoid groups of more than 10 people – or places that are otherwise crowded and not following COVID protocols.
- Consider getting tested before and/or after you travel.
- Monitor your physical state closely for 14 days after you travel.
- Follow CDC guidelines for any travel beyond the U.S. (This travel is not strongly discouraged.)
- If you find out you are COVID positive, you have COVID symptoms, or have been in close contact with a COVID-positive person, please submit the Illness and Exposure Reporting Form immediately.
COVID Vaccinations
- Vaccine availability information for both Missouri and Kansas can be found on the Jackson County website. Additional information is available at and
If you receive a COVID vaccination, please notify the University after you receive the second (or sole in the case of Johnson & Johnson) dose by completing this COVID-19 vaccine form. We are pleased to report that 275 employees and students have received a full course of the vaccine.
Positive and Quarantined Cases
Our community cases continue to remain low across all categories and populations. For undergraduate students on the Troost campus there was a very slight increase from last week, while the Westport campus decreased slightly. For graduate students on the Troost campus, cases decreased this week, while the Westport campus continued to report no cases. Faculty and staff cases increased slightly on the Troost campus, while the Westport campus reported no cases.
As of March 9
Troost Campus |
Undergraduate Students |
Graduate Students |
Employees |
Total Population |
1501 |
867 |
414 |
Active Positive Cases/percentage |
1/0.1% * |
1/0.1% |
0/0% |
Quarantined/percentage |
3/0.2% |
0/0% |
3/0.7% |
Westport Campus |
Undergraduate Students |
Graduate Students |
Employees |
Total Population |
492 |
141 |
87 |
Active Positive Cases/percentage |
0/0% |
0/0% |
0/0% |
Quarantined/percentage |
0/0% |
0/0% |
0/0% |
*There is one undergraduate positive case in University residential facilities. The number of beds available on campus for isolation is 45 and the number of occupied beds is zero.
- COVID Active: tested positive for COVID; isolated
- Quarantined: had close contact with a COVID-positive person; possibly being tested
- Close Contact: You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period; You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19; You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them); You shared eating or drinking utensils; They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you
We’ve invited everyone to avoid scheduling meetings next week whenever possible to give everyone some breathing room. We will be back with the next COVID update the week of March 22.
Matthew D. Quick, Ph.D.
Dean of Students/Vice President
Student Development and Athletics
Douglas N. Dunham, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President
Academic Affairs