COVID-Related Updates for This Week
Rockhurst Student, Faculty and Staff Companions,
We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to campus when classes begin next Tuesday, Jan. 26! Please take a moment to read the following important reminders.
Thank You!
Thank you to all the students and faculty who responded to the surveys regarding their academic experience during the fall semester. The feedback continues to be reviewed and thematic insights and suggestions have been taken into consideration when making plans for the spring semester.
Required Pandemic Protocols
- The same pandemic protocols are in effect that we observed last semester – wearing face coverings, social distancing, regular hand washing and avoiding large crowds.
- For reminders about when to complete the Illness and Exposure Reporting form, what it means to be in close contact with a COVID-positive person, where to get tested in the Kansas City area and more, visit our Return to the Rock page. Please do not return to RU if you are in quarantine (exposed to a COVID positive person) or isolation (COVID positive or symptomatic).
- Students must inform faculty members if they are unable to attend in-person classes or are too ill to participate in virtual classes, especially the first time the classes meet. Students are expected to attend in all face-to-face classes unless they are in isolation or quarantine. Students also are expected to attend online synchronous classes when in quarantine or isolation (unless symptomatic or COVID positive students are too ill to participate).
COVID Vaccinations
- COVID vaccines are being rolled out by states on a prioritized basis. Rockhurst recommends that you get vaccinated when it is available to you if your health care provider advises you to do so. Please consult your city, county and state health department websites to learn when the vaccine may be available to you.
- The CDC recommends that those who have been vaccinated and those who have had COVID-19 still wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Positive and Quarantined Cases
With the return of our RU community, this is a weekly report of where cases are now. Weekly comparison data will be provided next week. For undergraduate students on the Troost campus there were four cases (two active, two quarantined) or 0.3% of the population, while the Westport campus reported no cases. There are no cases reported within the graduate population on either the Troost or Westport campuses. Finally, there are six staff cases on the Troost campus (active 2 or 0.5%, symptomatic 2 or 0.5%, and quarantined 2 or 0.5%), while Westport reported no cases. There are no faculty cases on either the Westport or Troost campuses.
We anticipate case numbers to rise next week primarily due to the return of international students from overseas locations (mandated quarantine periods) as well as asymptomatic testing of student athletes (thirteen out of fifteen teams will be practicing and competing this spring semester).
- COVID Active: tested positive for COVID; isolated
- Quarantined: had close contact with a COVID-positive person; possibly being tested
- Close Contact: You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period; You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19; You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them); You shared eating or drinking utensils; They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you
Best wishes on a productive and enjoyable spring semester! We’ve missed you Hawks – and are sure glad to have you back!
Matthew D. Quick, Ph.D.
Dean of Students/Vice President
Student Development and Athletics
Douglas N. Dunham, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President
Academic Affairs