MLK Day of Celebration
Just as a new semester is beginning, Rockhurst University students and staff are getting ready to remember and reflect on the life of a man who helped change the course of the United States.
On Monday, Jan. 21, the Rockhurst University offices of residence life, community relations and outreach, student life, campus ministry, and the Center for Service Learning will sponsor a day to celebrate, educate, and serve on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
“We want to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and his efforts in creating community, supporting each other and really helping make a stand to better our lives,” Julia Vargas, director for the Center of Service Learning, said. “We are a part of the community surrounding us and with these service projects, we are hoping to make an impact on the community and on the lives of young people in it.”
The celebration will begin at 1 p.m. where service opportunities as well as small projects will be set up inside the Massman Hall gallery.
Some of the community projects slated for the afternoon include:
- Cookie baking with Associated Youth Services youth for St. James Place.
- Hugs blanket making for Gillis Center.
- Toiletry kit assembly for Holy Family House.
- Weather permitting, hot chocolate giveaway at Troost Max Bus Stops and Troostwood Memorial clean up.
At 3 p.m., the film We Are Superman will be played in 250 Massman Hall. The film chronicles the history of Troost Avenue, which created a geographical and cultural divide in Kansas City, and the grassroots efforts to transform 31st Street and Troost Avenue. The film will be introduced by its creator, Kevin Bryce. A student-led discussion and a reception will be held after the film.