Lenten Reflection Evening and Social

Mabee Chapel on campus with guests celebrating mass
Monday, March 11, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Mabee Chapel + Greenlease Gallery

Wanting to find peace within a busy season? Connect with others during Lent?

Then join the Office of Alumni Relations and the Office of Mission & Ministry for a Lenten reflection evening on campus!

You're invited to gather with us in the Mabee Chapel for reflective prayer led by Fr. Stephen Hess, S.J., vice president for Mission & Ministry. Afterwards, we will host a social in the Greenlease Gallery. The social will include light refreshments. Admission is free, but please tell us you're coming.


RSVP: Register Here!

Event questions? Connect with Hannah Tarwater, '18, 21 MA, Director of Alumni Relations at hannah.tarwater@rockhurst.edu.