One of the biggest things that can trigger anxiousness about college is not living at home. Moving into the residence halls with a likely chance of living with a stranger is a terrifying thought. Having a roommate inevitably has its challenges, but it can also be one of the best parts of your college experience. Here are some tips to keep things pleasant:
- Boundaries are key; set expectations ASAP – Do you know that you’re a neat freak? That you are a night owl? That you take 45 minutes to get ready? You’re not okay with sharing food? Fess up and let your roommate know these quirks and preferences as soon as you can. It’s rather daunting, but when you set these boundaries straight, it will help you and your roommate enjoy your experience.
- How do you want to tackle issues – Arguments and uneasiness can and will likely happen with your roommate (even if they’re your best friend), it is critical to know how dispute challenges you may face while living together. To bottom line is, compromise is key! This will help you grow as a person and will help your friendship grow. It will just take some work and prep.
- Be friendly; you may not be besties – Don’t automatically expect to be your roommate’s best friend. There is a possibility you will be, but also you can be friendly and civil with one another while having your own friend groups. Ask how was your day? Check in and make sure they’re okay. Ask if they’d like you to pick up something from the store for them while you’re there.
Being a good roommate requires you to be a good communicator and a good listener. Talk to your roommate, get to know them with intention. After all, you live with them, therefore, you should be a safe space for each other.