If you ask the average college student what the biggest difference is between high school and college, they will likely answer with the fact that you have to be more independent in college. In high school, you had a set schedule with classes from time A to time B and were at school at the same time as all of your other classmates. There were activities, sports, and organizational meetings immediately following school dismissal and everything was very set for you: a fixed schedule and fixed expectations for each day. Time was almost managed for you, whether it seemed like it or not. In college, however, you have to be the person who is managing your own time. Here are some tips to effectively manage your time in college:
Keep a working calendar. Digital or physical calendars are a great way to show what is happening each day. Begin by putting in classes, appointments, and meetings. You can update your schedule and add events in as things come up. Then, with the time you still have available, you can study, hang out with friends, or relax. Be sure to schedule some time to take care of your physical and mental health as well!
Remember that you need to eat. One of the joys of college is that you can build your own schedule by choosing classes (no more 8 A.M.’s!). Some students enjoy having classes immediately in a row in order to finish the day early. While this is a great idea, you must remember that you need to keep some time free around breakfast and lunch to give yourself time to eat. There is nothing worse than sitting through a class on an empty stomach!
Carry a planner with you everywhere. A planner, much like a calendar, when used well, can help you see what you have to do for the day/week. You can add reminders and assignments as well as exams and papers and due dates. A planner can let you mark your priorities and help you see what you need to delegate the most amount of time to in order to get it done.
Remember that college is also for education. College is a wonderful opportunity to put yourself out there, make friends, and step out of your comfort zone to grow as a person. It can be very tempting, especially in the first year, to spend every moment of your free time with others. This is a great way to meet others but remember that you are paying for your education, so it is important to take it seriously. It will pay off in the future!
Enjoy the experience; it goes by quickly!