Whether it is easy to admit or not, most college students will get homesick at one point - when it is your first year especially. This feeling can make you feel lost and lonely. But it will get better, we promise. You will just need to put in some effort and take some time. Here are 5 tips to overcome being homesick in college:
1. Be a Tourist in your New City
Pretend you are on a unique vacay. Explore the area with one of your new friends/roomies. It is a great way to beat that loneliness piece. The cherry on top… you will create a new memory and find “your spot”. Remember, local scenes are the best scenes!
2. Get Involved
We know you heard this a trillion times, but this is because this is a pivotal part of college that will truly transform your life. Your campus will definitely have an organization fair, go to it and familiarize yourself with opportunities on campus. If you miss an event like this, ask your Student Life office what clubs and organizations are available. When you join clubs or organizations that you are interested in, you can guarantee you’ll meet people with the same interests as you!
3. Stay Connected to Home - but not too much
Make time to call your people at home at least once a day, but just remember you have a new life now that’s exciting for you to share.
4. Plan One Nice Thing a Day for Yourself…
Be good to yourself, you deserve it! Being positive is easier said than done, but making a concentrated effort will help you tackle your homesickness. Every day, plan a spark to your day. It can be taking a walk, laying in your hammock, treating yourself to an ice cream cone, watching your favorite show, anything to make your heart happy!
5. Most Importantly, Recognize that this is Normal…
Opening up to your new friends about being homesick can be awkward. Check with your campus professionals (counseling center) if they have support groups for students who are far from home. Or just schedule an appointment with a counselor on campus. They would be more than happy to help you. Seeking out a counselor to talk to doesn’t mean you have a psychiatric problem. Homesickness is a very common issue. You will not be the first person that counselors have spoken to AND helped. That human connection with someone who understands what you are going through will very likely help you out of this rut!