College is an incredible time to follow and explore your passions. In college, you can study and learn about subjects that pique your interest, even if you are not required to complete them to graduate. In addition to formal classes, you also have an abundance of opportunities to get involved in extensive amounts of clubs and organizations, and here 3 reasons why it is important to get involved outside the classroom:
1. As you become involved in college, you will find yourself with the possibility of taking on leadership or volunteer roles within an organization/club. This specific possibility will not only prepare you for your future career but also teach you the soft skills you will need when you work with others as you motivate them for the better.
2. You will meet students outside your major. This will allow you to see what our world is made up of: a lot of different people with a variety of interests and skills who will teach you something. This will allow you to create a large-scale network that, I promise, will benefit you in the “real world”.
3. Being involved on your campus, although time-consuming, will provide you a break and can help alleviate stress from your schoolwork. It will certainly make your college experience more enjoyable and balanced. You will likely feel a sense of belonging as you expand your circle of friends.